come. read. tag. leave.

for FUN, unless you hate fun...

im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
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November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007

style before power

Monday, July 23, 2007

damn. i can hardly walk. help. both my thighs and hamstrings are injured like siao. right hamstring and left thigh especially. sianz. i guess im one SIAO bboy. cuz i break till i get injured then i stop de if not is break until 1 or 2 am de. lol. crazy. thats why i seem to be always injured. lol. but still happy wif my breaking. and happier bout ---. yeah. kkaez. juz wanted to post bout my disability and my insaneness. hahas. lol. yeah. so PEACE.
still damn happy. yeah. hahas.

bboy BY

Monday, 23rd july 2007.

kkaez. only some ppl know.. yeah. xD hahas...
anyways, today was a stressful day until ---. hahs. yeah. hist havent done and jiao1 yet. damn. maths also. dunno how do mahs. so Del gonna teach me. yeah. hahas. art actually done. lol. unbelievable rite, Tingen? lol. hahas. erm... today's tuition was so boring i doze off a bit. yeah.

kinda happy wif my breaking. can do elbow-shoulder-baby-head-baby-airchair. yeah. wootz. not bad rite? almost the same as the, to me, damn sick combo in the Canon in D bboy clip. yeah. need more strength to do the proper thing.

airchair can managed to tahan more than 1sec 2 times in a row after ---. hahas. yeah.. erm...

o yar.. rmb smth on Saturday. that day got YPM. then ben3 lai2, i couldnt really praise and worship cuz i was like thinking about friday. yeah. even when the speaker come on. i cant really concentrate. only like arnd 6.45 liddat then i could concentrate. yeah. feel bad bout it. blehs...

then yesterday. Sunday. during CM, i realised something. when we brought the children to the playground, it's more tiring fer me than fer the children sia. cuz fer the monkey bar, i have to 'carry' the children across as they did not have enough strength. that was ok. but the monkey bar's highest point is below my neck and it went downwards. so i keep having to bend down more. wth.. tiring. was sweating after it. and i think only about 10 or 15 mins lehs. lol.

kkaez. eat dinner le.. still damn damn damn happy. yeah. ok. PEACE.
=]]] =DDD :))) x))) xDDD x]]] =))) =DDD :]]] :DDD hahas. high and happy. yeah. ;)

bboy BY

Friday, July 20, 2007

deon wrote this on MC's maths pprjos qin memc kkh jave me jos

bboy BY


thx fer understanding

bboy BY

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

blehs.. confusion.. hahas.. sooo many ---s...
dots... anws, away from that.. hmmmm.... today? blahs.. maths test.. 1st ques suck..
recess was funny.. hehe.. maths juz end le..
then cher talk to MC cuz of SOMETHING on his paper.. haha.
last monday.. Deon write on MC paper 'i copy ben's paper. pls give me a green form and let me kiss pam and u'.......
laugh until beng4 sia.. hahas.. joker..
den Deon like say juz a joke and is MC fault cuz he never go correction tape out.. lol.
then MC say he no correction tape.. lol.
then cher say can use pen cancel out, but she still say Deon.. cuz she say it is veh insulting. hahas..
means she insulting MC too.. hahas. jkjk. xD
but zong zhi me and MC laugh like idiots liddat. lol. damn funny sia. hehe. then after recess is boring litE and ACC..
boring boring boring.
chinese was boring too.. =]
SEL was crap.. x)
Simpang meepok, soccer, house of bread and history.. =D
hahas.. done. another plain day.. xD
o yarr... DnT got 84!!!
wootz.. not bad eh..
hahas.. THANKS TINGEN!!!
lol lol lol...
hahs... ermm...
Del is confusing.. and guess that im more lag and blur than i think..
hahas.. got some stuff that a lot of ppl dunno.. cuz its kinda secretive?
lol.. so wun say..
[There r juz some things u hav to find out urself] -Del
hahas.. kkaez..
diamond is difficult and painful..
blehs.. PEACE
arghhh... what to do?! con fused again.. who?
y cant i make up my mind?! blehs... =(

bboy BY

Sunday, July 15, 2007

another typical sunday... except that i saw my 1st JAM kids praise and worship, went fer my 1st JAM kids lesson, went to LAN with my church frens fer the 1st time, realised my CS still ok and reached home at 6.40. xD

not much to say actually. hmmm... praise and worship was fun. had to do all the actions.. hahas.. long time since i had to do actions on Sunday.. erm... lesson.. ok la.. muz try to bond a bit more.. hahs.. x)

LAN, hmmm... my DOTA sucks like hell.. even with pro-er ppl telling me what to do, i still suck at it.. keep giving free kills to TianEn.. hahas.. =]

hmmm.. CS ok larr.. at least i din really suck like in DOTA.. best in my team.. 2nd overall.. hehe.. but also i not used to the mouse.. its razorback.. so, the sensitivity damn damn damn high.. change le, still a but difficult to use cuz i never use b4.. then kinda suprised the way it is.. heh.. then com keep on hanging.. so cant move fer like 3 sec which is enough fer someone to kill me.. blehs.. suay seh... but in the end was fun bahs.. yeah.

anyways, i realised something.. i've never had a fren hu stead with another fren b4.. actually is can de.. BUT i gang1 gang1 hao3 miss... blehs.. fer eg.. Esther and G****.. wont say his name cuz i dunno whether im allowed to say.. hahas.. they broke up like juz 2 weeks b4 i noe them... damn. and Wayne and QianHua.. hmmm actually i only think they were stead.. but anyways, they also broke up like 1 mnth b4 i noe them.. blehs.. how suay... never knew whats the feeling like.. hahas.. xD

kkaez.. gtg eat dinner.. maybe l8r after dinner i post again.. hehe.. kkaez. bb.
haiz.. too bad in a few days, we wont be able to talk as often.. blehs.. :(

bboy BY

Friday, July 13, 2007

kinda long day today.. slept at 1.30am this morn cuz of DnT project.. do do do.. print prin--- then the printer got some prob.. so cannot print.. ask Tingen help me print but i still havent do finish 2 more paper. blehs.. so decided to print in school instead... BUT this morn 6.40 wake up try to print.. then some how can print le... dont ask me how come, cuz i dont give a damn...

so go sch.. faster try to find someone's paper to copy.. dont have... go morn exercise. go back class.. Del lend me her hist.. copy copy copy.. Ms Ng come. continue copying... my graph got prob.. dont care about it.. SciL go lab... boring boring.. then i bo liao.. stuff the test tube into the tap the rubber thingy.. lol.. the moment i on the tap, the test tube immediately smash... so cool.. xDDD hahas.. i was bored btw.. xP anws, after that do lame experiment w/o one test tube.. xD

do do do.. sian sian sian... then i accidentally burn myself.. lol. dont want to explain cuz to many stuff muz elaborate.. but its not cuz of the burner.. so burn hand.. run it under running water... whole finger become damn wrinkly.. xD put some cream.. plaster? then hist.. we go hist damn late sia.. like 15/20 mins late hahs.. i even later.. x) then hist.. talk talk talk... founder founder founder... wdv wdv wdv.. =]

then pe... jump jump jump... reach*ouch* reach*ouch* reach*ouch*... blehs.. capt ball capt ball capt ball... easy easy easy.. xD.. recess nobody except 2D in canteen.. pro rite.. =) hahs.. then sci sci sci... then sch end at 1+.. then go library do specifications for the DnT... do do do.. then find find find Matt eng.. not my fault!!! hahas.. then jiao DnT and Eng..

go tm meet Vic, KL, Deon, MC, Adriel. eat LJS.. go watch movie.. Adriel nvr watch.. xD go popular but vanguard sheet for notice board.. buy dinner.. take taxi home with KL xDD.. reach home.. eat dinner and watch tv until 1o.30.. bathe.. then now here.. =]]] hahas.. yup.. roughly how today went.. blehs...

kkaez.. dunno what to do now sia.. going to eat roti prata for supper soon.. =]] tml YPM dunno speaker or LG.. so blur... damn... i seriously damn sian now sia... arghhh... nobody to chat with... blehs... bb.
thx lots... xD

bboy BY

Sunday, July 08, 2007

blehs... today was in church from 8.40 to abt 4+.. not as late as last week but still quite late. sis din go church.. dunno y...

anws, today CM is high praise.. blehs.. go toilet then come out that time realise that is our turn le.. then faster get on stage.. blehs.. then did the dance... so spastic... lol. go back to music hall, watch some 'mother goose' vid.. damn kiddish.. whole time in music hall.. and realised that i've gone to CM thrice le.. but not a single time i c the CM praise and worship or the lesson.. lol..
then go lunch at treats.. eat chicken noodle.. drink milo AND kopi peng.. blehs.. kopi is bitter.. milo too sweet.. wth.. then went back church with AaronLim and Esther.. JonTay, Wayne, Jeremy, JingYang, JosephTiew, Jeshua all go LAN... i cant go...

then go back church also dunno for wad.. blehs.. Aaron need go some comm meeting that he say will last until 6+/7.. lol. then me and Esther accidentally met Vanessa and Valerie and Gideon... the 2 girls studying.. wtf.. so guai.. xD then sit there 'stone'.. but i also realised that i quite pathetic sia.. everybody else studying except me.. blehs.. even Esther got bring sci hmwk.. wth.. sianz lorr.. so i decided to study properly and really do my own hmwk.. and i felt bad that i din bring back my sci txbk even though got test on wed.. blehs.. need to study!!!

anws, l8r the 3 girls go le.. then i go.. met Gavin on the way down.. he say he need w8 for his father who go airport pick up his cousin or smth liddat.. so w8 wif him cuz dun feel like going home yet.. so w8 w8 w8.. then his father come le.. then he go le lor.. then Esther and her bro, Joshua, at playgound w8 for parents.. so i also w8 wif them lorr.. w8 w8 w8.. their father come le.. then they go le lorr.. xD nobody to w8 wif le.. so i go home.. so i w8 for bus.. w8 w8 w8.. bus come le... then i go le lorr.. reach home... slack slack slack... watch Lost.. the end.. so until now lorr.. roughly wad happen to day lorr...

blehs.. o ya. Esther said that i look like a fly after awhile.. wtf... i take out specs=look like the grasshopper from 'Bugs' Life'... dots... nth to say.. but i dont really think so... blehs.. really meh..aiya wdv la...
tml have to go sch damn early so that can copy maths from Del.. hopefully i wake up early.. hopefully she go early oso.. DnT. started to really do the research le.. blehs.. feel quite stressed... cuz i really want to do a nice 1.. but i start so late.. scared cant do as nice as i wan.. blehs.. haiz.. still got LitE essay... i dont know how im going to write it.. haiz..

anws, away from work... few things wanna say.. 1st, after i watch version 2 of canon rock, i started liking electric guitar again.. after like dunno how many months i think... trying to play the noob version of the intro of One Last Breath.. Jos should noe how damn diffcult it is.. and to anyone from church who actually comes to my blog, "i can play elec guit too... not juz bass..." yeah.. but bass better lorr.. elec is cool.. xD kkaez.. 2nd, i wan to start DOTA cuz when i go church then when i hang with Jeremy, Wayne, JingYang, JonTay, they're tokin bout DOTA.. and i totally suck and have no idea abt DOTA.. so.... blehs.. but contradictingly, i wanna study so i cant go LAN and play DOTA.. so..... haiz.. 3rd, this is juz crap.. if JoshuaPoh ever comes here and reads this, "i dont like Sheila, so stop saying crap bout me go find her.. and its lame(and immature).. xD" hahass.. kkaez..

i wanna bboy.. i wanna play 'keeper properly.. BUT my wrist is still not healed.. blehs.. anws, i oso wan a bass guit.. cuz i cant really prac with my elec guit.. o ya.. i wan a FIVE-STRING bass.. one extra low B string.. yeah.. kkaez.. 12.25 le.. better slp if not tml cannot wake up go sch copy Del's graph.. got lots to copy.. blehs..
maybe i'll just stop thinking about girls and love... juz concentrate on studies, bass, bboying and elec guitaring... haiz...

bboy BY

Friday, July 06, 2007



best guitar solo ever. MUST WATCH!!! wow.
cant put it up.. dun noe y.. pai seh.. but still muz watch.

bboy BY

red and black now. hahas.. playing a fool with my blogskin. xDDD
anws, now is like damn early sia.. 8.40.. hahs.. actually i should be in church le.. but i decided not to go for the recce(<-actual spelling=]) cuz if i go recce then no bass for my band and logistics already got at least 2 people going le.. so dont really need so many people to go mahs... its raining like siao sia... blehs.. sianz sia.. yesterday play some penguin club game with Del.. damn lame.. hahas.. then the whole time trying to find a multiplayer game which dosent need shockwave. hahas.. no use only got lame miniclip games.. in the end juz play own game.. xD so lame.. blehs.. realised miniclip got new games.. so long never go le lorr.. hahs... blehhhhhsssss..... YPM today is LG.. hmmm... not going Qin concert... already give Jave ticket.. tml high praise.. got to go chapel after YPMS.. blehs... should be fun bahs.. End of year hols will be fun.. class chalet arnd 12-14nov bah.. den CM camp 3-7dec.. YPM camp dun noe wad date lehs.. like keep changing de.. blehs.. shld b fun too.. =]]] shiok.. can pon guitar like siao.. hahas.. kkaez... blehs.. PEACE
haiz... cuz life's liddat... blehs...

bboy BY

Thursday, July 05, 2007

new blogskin. hahs.. totally white.. hahasss.. xDDD juz wan to make a SIMPLE skin b4 shengyong finishes it.. hehs.. kkaez.. hmmmm.... wad to post arr... sianz... juz post bout today bahs...

go sch, pressure abt HCL common test, common test start. blehs... chinese lesson = me+deon play minigolf on my fone. recess. blah blah blah. recess. art. acc retest shi1. dammit. so pissed yesterday abt it. den today everybody trying to cheat their way through. i do the simplest way. write the whole thing on another paper, den jiao that piece. seems simple. but its not. lao shi keep looking at us. damn difficult. at first i thought still got chance to swap the paper de. BUT damn difficult. den kkh 'finish'(kkh next to me). cher go to him. im so dead. i thought no hope le. cher right in front of me lehs.. PRESSURE!!! hahahs. then Jave say finish. then cher checking his paper that time i faster swap. cher right above me!!!! scary. but heng heng did it. HENG ARRRR... lols. kkaez. after that w8 for Adriel to send WeiXiang to mrt station. go eagle's nest w8 for awhile, go simpang, go home.

simple day.. dots.. tml another boring day wif cca. Saturday dunno whether shld go rechey or go for jamming den go YPM. Sunday high praise. white top jeans. gonna wear CAC shirt. hmmm.. wad else arr... Adriel made my wrist worse. ass. he wan me play soccer but make my recovery slower. bai chi.

kkaez. the end.
bleh bleh bleh.. WAD TO DO??? help...

bboy BY

Sunday, July 01, 2007

heys.. yesterday damn shiong. in church for almost whole day. xP somemore every time got something happen.. erm.. ok so not really all major bahs..

but anyways,... yesterday in chapel... hmmm... dont know how to say lehs... zong zhi i feel like damn luan4, like dunno wad to feel liddat.. dots..

then CM. hmmm... posted to K1.. hahs.. with JingYang, QianHua, JonLim, Amelia. but JonLim and Amelia very busy then rarely go de.. so put me lorr.. actually CM already a lot of chers le.. i think ave per class is 4 chers.. lols. and juz found out that CM camp is 3Dec-7Dec.. lols. start one day after my bdae.. hahs.. then YPM camp is 10Dec-14Dec.. waa...i think cannot go class chalet le lehs... sian.. i tot YPM camp is end of Dec de then tot class chalet in mid Dec better.. but now.... haiz... pai seh 2D.. xP

kkaez.. then buy lunch to 4th floor for the Children's Day outing meeting.. actually i extra de but in the end also go inside comm.. xD hahas.. nxt Sat got to go reki (dunno correct spelling a not)... den Musician thingy.. learn band dynamics thing.. the correct way and negative way. lols. den l8r dio call up play bass in front of all the musician ppl. lols..

o yar.. i change band le.. sianz.. MINUET to CONCERTO.. lols. not a single person from minuet other than me go to concerto lehs.. sad... no got no vocalist, one guitarist, 2 bassist, 3 drummer, 2 pianist. lols. now dunno who going to sing for us le.. lols.. anyways, the jamming session suay suay dio this coming saturday.. sian... got jamming and reki.. haiz.. which one to choose arr?? sianz..

and for CM camp which level should i take arr? p3,p4,p5,p6? dunno lehs... anyways, nothing le.. now need go persuade my mum to let me go watch TRANSFORMERS with Aaronlim, Esther, Joel, Gavin, JoycePoon, LukeTang.. lols. hopefully can go.. dots.. kkaez.. o yar.. i need help on the maths graph.. sian.. i thursday never go then never learn lorr.... kkaez. bb.
PEACE <-change from [ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l] to [PEACE] le is u havent noticed.. xD hahas
u, u, u, or u??? blehs.. haiz.. dunno what to do lehs..

bboy BY