come. read. tag. leave.

for FUN, unless you hate fun...

im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
cost $1,509,000 on humansforsale.com
ex-Coralite, ex6/1, AHS, ex-1C, 2D, COS ex-CM, YPM: Timothy LG
breaker, bassist

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bboying, her

studying, tests/exams, com lag, injured, getting pissed, dr boon


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November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007

style before power

Friday, June 29, 2007

blehs... last time i posted was on monday. now already saturday le. hahs. anws, i'll start from tuesday.
hmmm.... o yar. MC came my house do hmwk. u can dont believe me but i did do hmwk. Adriel was pissed cuz we din play soccer. but cuz i need do hmwk and a lot of ppl go so i dun wan go. started watching a anime since Dec. xD
Samurai Champloo. 3 ppl. bboying samurai Mugen, sensei killing Jin and samurai searching Fuu.

From Wikipedia
[The plot of Samurai Champloo largely revolves around Fuu's quest to find the samurai who smells of sunflowers and the unfinished duel between Mugen and Jin. Mugen meets Fuu when he enters a tea house where she is a waitress and offers to take care of some ruffians in exchange for food. Fuu agrees, but Mugen characteristically overreacts and the scene erupts into a brawl. As the situation progresses, he and Jin end up in a duel that remains unfinished as they literally bring the tea house down on themselves and are arrested and sentenced to death.
Fuu recruits the two to help her in a quest to find the Sunflower Samurai in exchange for helping them escape from prison. Mugen and Jin, however, are intent on completing their duel first. Fuu gets them to agree to a coin flip: heads, they continue their duel; tails, they travel with her and put their duel on hold until the journey is over. Mugen flips the coin and Fuu tells them it is tails: Mugen and Jin are thus obligated to hold off on their duel and journey with her. At various times, however, they try to abandon Fuu, and they also intermittently confront one another – each vowing to kill the other by journey's end.
Throughout the journey the trio are often broke and starving. They are also forced to face many elements of their pasts. In the two-part "Misguided Miscreants" (a.k.a. "Dark Night's Road"), Mugen encounters his old pirate gang and becomes involved in a looting scheme with his old partner Mukuro. The situation quickly turns into a backstabbing contest resulting in much bloodshed. It is revealed that Jin killed his master, Mariya Enshirou, and in a number of episodes ("The Art of Altercation"; "Lullabies of the Lost") he is pursued by students of his former dojo who wish to exact revenge. Jin is reluctant to kill these pursuers.
In the final three-episode arc, "Evanescent Encounter" (a.k.a. "Circle of Transmigration"), all three must confront their unresolved pasts. Fuu finally meets and confronts the Sunflower Samurai. Jin is challenged by a master swordsman, named Kariya Kagetoki, who is revealed as the primary antagonist of the series, although he has remained behind the scenes until this story arc. It is revealed that Kariya attempted to gain control of Jin's dojo and train its adepts for the purposes of assassination. Mariya Enshirou was ordered to kill Jin because of his opposition to the plan, and in the ensuing fight Jin killed his master in self-defense and was forced to flee the dojo. It also turns out that Kariya had the group tracked so that he could find and kill the Sunflower Samurai, Kasumi Seizou, as punishment for his role in the Shimabara Rebellion. In the course of the story, Mugen is also forced to confront three brothers seeking revenge because Mugen crippled one of them during his days of piracy.]

hahas. xD kkaez. tuesday done.

wednesday. realised that ppl who played soccer dio trash. hahs. went to eat lunch with church frens. then played soccer. win 3 matches.but last match lost cuz i dio sprain then the opponent veh easy to score. blehs. i think dio sprain cuz my hand position wrong. haiz..

thursday. din go sch. go polyclinic check hand. w8 for 3 hrs. then x-ray cannot c. anws, they say if call means need go back put cast if never call then no need. in the end never call.

friday. go sch Adriel was a asshole. NCC day. din do any makeup survey thing. play soccer after sch. play as defender. was almost totally useless. blehssss.. CCA was a bit late. nc koh tot i din go sch. how lame. got nomitated for wdv lame vice-logistics thing. crappy. in the end dio trash like only got 8 votes. xD hahas. then after that go sit at starcase for 2/3 hours w8 for dunno hu. 6.30 den go home..

today. nth happen. going YPM l8r. tml going to be in church for almost whole day. 8.30-10.30. YPMS. 10.30-1. CM. 3-dunno when. musician thingy. lols. esther wanna watch Transformers on Monday. blehs. Deon also. how?

anyways, i need help on my maths dunno how to draw the damn graph lehs. haiz.. cant bboy. maybe i can try using my left hand. xD blehs. nahhs. i muz b crazy lorr. realise that w/o being able to bboy makes me damn sian. nth to do except use com, watch tv, get stuck with hmwk. blehs..

haiz.. go liao.. bb.
blehs.. wad to do now? haiz..

bboy BY

Monday, June 25, 2007

heys... today 1st day of school for term3/2nd semester.. history cher boring.. actually everything also boring... haiz... got beijing pics from Jave. 918 pics.. so many sia.... i actually finished my summary writing hols hmwk yesterday in like 1 or 2 hrs.. lols.. and i actually wrote the summary by myself. lols. zai sia.. hmmm.... boring day.. yesterday became a CM cher for church... erm... starting to really like christian ROCK or METAL.. hahas. hmmmm.... i guess not much le ba.. bboying improving ever so slowly... i've got blisters all over my fingers.. weird.. all full of water that kind.. before burst more pain then burst le.. weird.. realise im typing everything in one paragraph... dun give a damn... my iceys getting lower. wootz.. (lower = better, btw) improving on handstand.. got my longest ever recorded handstand.. 6sec... did bettere b4 but never get in on fone cam de.. legs getting straighter in handstand.. realised that anything freeze that is one hand is at least 2 times harder than with 2 hands. like i can hold 2handed armchair for at least 10 sec but one hand barely last 2sec.. cant bboy w/o wristguard now.. too dangerous.. Sunday almost sprain left wrist.. my right finger sprain lightly le.. siann.. dosent matter... still can bboy.. hamstring hasent seemed to heal.. after like 3/4 months still havent heal yet nia.. sux.. still got hols hmwk never do but not doing... xD kkaez.. this whole post is one long paragraph.. so bb.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l

bboy BY

Friday, June 22, 2007

ok fine.. so my blogskin a bit too kua1 zhang1... so i changed... this is juz a minor preview of what im w8ing for sheng yong to do.. at least better rite?

so anyways, my previous blogskin.. hmmm... kkaez.. juz explain ba...
since its my blog i rather put my own pics rather than put other ppl's pics mahs.. then trying to find pics of juz some animation not as easy mahs... and its definately not acting cool... cuz im not considered pro mahs.. im only like 1/100th of a normal pro bboy like erm... bboy jun? roughly abt there bahs.. so NOT cool or pro...

kkaez.. i wont get pissed or wdv de.. cuz i also need opinion mahs..

so kkaez.. sch reopening.. most of us are going to get scolded.. most of us dun give a damn.. some do... i dont...

o yar.. anybody who have friendster add me hor... thx... kkaez... peace....
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l

bboy BY

Thursday, June 21, 2007

new blogskin!!!!! all the pics is me!!!!! hahas.... xDDD if u havent noticed, most of the pics are of me doing an airchair, im wearing the same shirt in 5 pics and another shirt in another 3 pics(LOLS), and my father is in one of the armchair pics(he's topless... xDDD). kkaez.

managed to do headstand w/o my hands, managed to get to an airchair, can get to armchair with one hand instead of 2 like last time.. juz a few more improvements..

hmwk not done. i shouldnt b posting this. i shldnt even b using the com now. gd nite.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
do u really like me?

bboy BY

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

hmwk not done. dont feel like doing le.. sian. HELP!!

kkaez. i'll try to 4gt that....
dunno what to post bout lehs.. o yar.. want to say thx to sheng yong for helping me edit my bboy pics to be nicer. and im going to use those for my new blogskin. sheng yong rox!!
hahas.. kkaez...

last thing. do my true fren test hor... i make new one le. and its the one below the fake one. thx=]]]

kkaez. guess i stop le bahs..... sian.. bb
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
i guess i'll just stop trying to like u......

bboy BY

Friday, June 15, 2007

ooopsss..... more than a week since i last post le.. sorry... anyway, this week quite busy and i also no xin qing to post... xP hmmm.... this week... ermm... monday bought 2CDs and a bdae present for Jeremie, tuesday go out with church friends watch POTC again, wednesday got cca then watch ocean 13 with my cousins then they come my house play xbox for awhile, thursday whole day at home alone then breakdance the whole day, friday after cca go watch f4: rise of the silver surfer then go buy present for church fren then reach home at 11.30 pm.

kkaez... thats abt it i guess... quite busy... and i still havent start my hmwk, next week then start... xDDD

anyway, i've been looking and thinking through breaking.. realise that air flares are side flips but instead of using legs to jump and to land, is use hand... thats damn difficult.. then i also realised that 'audience support' is very important for a bboy.. cuz if nobody cheering, then will get discourage.. ok. i guess thats all lorr..

dont know what else to post about lehs... o yar.. i've been trying out one elbow freeze as u all shld noe by now.. anyway, i can only hold for awhile (less than 1 sec xPPP) lol. but at least can do lorr...not much improvement other than this.. hmm...

aiya.. dunno liao... dun want to think of what to post abt.. so bb.

bboy BY

Friday, June 08, 2007

hey y'all!!!! back from church camp on thursday. then yesterday went to play pool and karaoke with my family, cousin etc. FUN!! this hols so far is like damn shiok lorr. start of hols i in Beijing. then come back le, next day go bowling, then Sat and Sun got church, then Monday go church camp until Thursday. hahas. shiok. xDDD

ok. erm.. actually i shld be finishing up my last post. but i 4gt where i stopped and i dont want to read it, so im not going to continue. i'll just start from last Friday, got our results back and i got 60.9%.. xP suck rite? hahas. ok. anyway, i realised something. when we got our papers back in May, i told some people that if i got below 60 for my percentage, i'll take breakdancing as a career. hahas. i was serious. xDD but i got 60.9 so im not going to take breakdancing as a career. hahas.

okk. erm.. after that i go bowling. i suck at bowling sia. i keep going for strength not accuracy.. so keep going in to the drain. hahs. but at the last part, i tried the 5pound ball which had 5 holes to put ur fingers in. its the kids ball. hahas. but since i cant put my fingers in, i juz hold it like a soccer ball, then roll it. hahs. dont really know how to describe but i did better like that. HAHA. weird...

ok. then Sat go YPM then come home. then the end for Sat. Sunday. after church someone came my house impromptu. dont want to say who it is cuz i may get him(and me) in trouble. then at night had to pack my bag for CAC, which is my church camp lar and CAC stand for Creative Arts Camp. its a camp where everybody who had signed up for the musician training in January get together for this finale. anw, actually on Sunday, i was like reluctant to go for CAC, but in the end i enjoyed it like siao. xDDD

so Monday, go there. carry my stupidly big sleeping bag. then register. i go there quite loner cuz i in church is very anti-social de. but anyway, we were split into 7 bands. i was in Minuet. then we do some bonding games. then got a speaker who was like damn funny. den talk a lot of stuff le. then got band time, where we would go to some place to jam the songs we were suppose to play on the last day in front of our parents etc. for me, at the start was quite difficult cuz i never touch the bass guitar for one month. and i never have to zi4 zi3 xiang3 the pattern and what notes. but in the end got the hang of it. xD

anw, after that was lunch. and its like not bad lorr. unexpected. it macaroni with sausage and some other stuff that is nice. xD hahas. had 2 servings. eat le, go design flags. damn crap sia. the whole thing is Joyce do. hahas. o yar. 4gt to 'introduce' Minuet. xP Joyce and Angeline is drummer, Rachel and Matthew is guitarist, Shuting and and Eunice is vocalist, Yuxi and Jocelyn is pianist and im the only bassist. and our band managers are Samson, Michael and Jeremy. hahs.

kk. then we had band time again. that day got 3 band time, the most. then we had scavanger hunt. crappy. dun feel like explaining. xP then bathe, dinner. then praise and worship. then band time AGAIN. hahs. then after supper, go to sleep le. ok. so thats day one. to me, considered the most boring day although it wasnt boring. xDDD

Tuesday. hmmm... wake up le then normal stuff for a church camp. wake up, brush teeth etc., devotion, breakfast. then we got praise and worship and some workshop thing. everyday morning will be like tuesday morning so i wont say anything abt the morning anymore except for Friday..... anw, lunch le band time for 4 hours. SIAO!!! my finger wanna break. i got to play every song while everybody else only play 1 song leh. so my finger quite pain after that 4 hours. hahas.

but anw since its so long, in between got break. hahas. so everybody faster go bathe during break so that when bathing time, no need to queue up for toilet. xP but i din go cuz everybody break abt same time so if i go still have to wait a bit. so i went during bathing time. hahs. i go then totally nobody at all. hahs. no need to wait.. hahas. then, dinner le, praise and worship. hahas. during praise and worship, i felt like i was back in Children's Ministry(CM). hahas. cuz go to do all the action and jump jump jump. hahas. in YPM dun have de. hahs. anw, after speaker, supper and sleep!! end of day 2.

day 3. Wednesday. most memorable day. xDDD after morning stuff, band time. then BALL GAMES!!! hahas. damn crappy. especially the floorball station. floorball station is our 1st station and it is split into 2 different parts. one part is the actual floorball, the other is some game where u throw the floor ball to another teammate then throw until the wall at the opponent's end to score. its something like captain's ball but the person who is standing on the chair in Capt Ball is change to the person who catch the ball at the other end and score by using the ball to touch the wall.

ok. so we play against Allegro which is the only all girl team.... hahs... damn funny sia. they all scream like siao. we juz touch the ball, they scream scream scream.. hahas. ear damn pain. they definately scream better than any girl from AHS. hahas. funny crap. by the way, is each band split into 2 groups group A will play with the other band de group A, then group B play with group B lorr.. so i play the throwing ball game 1st after that then play floorball. floorball that time i dio trip then loose balance then step on the ball then got to change ball.. hahaahahahahas. damn funny sia. the whole ball dented in.. cannot use le. hahas. in the end the throwing game we win like siao abt 8-2 liddat. floorball gang1 gang1 hao3 last minute score 1. so in the end is 1-0. xDDD

Capt Ball station the ball damn light. i throw the whole court so easily larr. den i keep throwing too much power. fly out of the court. sianz... then in the end i think draw or lose. xP but actually not fair sia. my group all so short. seriously larr... nobody guo4 160cm except me. then the other team abt 4 people taller than 160cm. hahas. nvm de larr.. anw, after that soccer most crap of all. the girls go there zuo4 bo2. and i kick the ball accidentally hit 3 people. xPPP anyway, after bathing and dinner we had praise and worship. i jump like siao sia. until my leg damn pain. hahas. den got the message. and i got touched by the Holy Spirit for the 1st time in my life. wootz!! xDDDDDD so undescrible. hahas. no worries or fear or wdv sia. hahas. shiok. anws, it ended much later than normal. hahs. so slept at 11.30 instead of 11. and oso got skip some other stuff that we were suppose to do. so end of day 3 which i will always remember.

day 4. last day. thursday. performance day. and the day i suddenly become so much more popular than last time. hahs. but its cuz of a crappy reason. its cuz the day b4 during the message, i sat next to this girl(not going to say name.. xDDD) and before that during the ball games, we also grow a bit closer. so in the morning when we wake up and since got one of the guys lost his hp, the guys were later than the girls for devotion. so when i go for morning devotion, since that girl is in same devotion group, the rest of the girls purposely leave the seat next to her empty so that i have to sit there. but i not so stupid larr.. i go to the other seats. but anw, the point is that the girls already start this stupid rumour abt me and her. damn. this i think is my 4th rumour this year. xP siao rite? but this is the fastest. cuz its juz on Wednesday when i really start talking to her then next day dio rumour liao. siao. si bei fast sia. last time at least 3 whole days, now is less than a day sia. CRAZY!!! and somemore this spread the most the fastest. by lunch, the whole camp already noe abt leh. waaaa!!! in school, it takes like 2 days of school for the rumour to spread so much. and people i never knew started to talk to me. hahs. so this is why my nic for my msn is [popularity comes easier than i thought]. cuz i juz talked to her for half a day den the next day so much more popular. and its also cuz of this that i make the most friends ever in a camp. even more than sec 1 orientation. hahs.

so anyway, the whole day Jeremy, Joyce, Eunice and all the rumour spreaders were trying to get me to sit with her. but always fail de. HAHS. cuz i not so stuppid mah. and later i found out that the night before the girls in their bunk go and 'act' out the time when i was sitting next to her during the message. bloody lamers. xDD so stupid larr. all fake de. dammit... so anyway, the whole day after lunch was finalising the performance. then when really time too perform, i so nervous lor. cuz i have to stand up and play the bass i never ever play any guitar standing up b4 somemore this time in front of so many people. >.< in the end, everybody say i play good but i think i crapped it. my finger like sometimes wanna play loud sometimes wanna play soft. sian.. but at least nobody really heard it. xDD so anyway, got my certificate and all the stuff. and o yarr.. the video din show me at all!! hahs. everytime the camera turning to me le, always change scene. hahaha. so in the end, damn sad have to end so fast. sian.. but bo bian lorr.. and i still miss it...

ok. this post definately longer than i thought. xDDD issit longer than the last post? dunno. anyway, go to go le. bb.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
oh no... not again...

bboy BY

Sunday, June 03, 2007

hey yo... ok. 1st things 1st. some people have said abt the dare-or-dare thing. so i want to clarify. if y'all havent seen, my post abt what i miss also got thos bad things mah. so the dare-or-dare thing is one of the bad things along with the f***ing cold weather, cracking my lips, my lips bleeding etc. understand?

kk. so erm... ben3 lai2 i wanted to post a damn long post for missing the 8 days which would cover up the whole blog but i change my mind cuz im lazy and juz dont feel like typing out such a long post. so i'll juz write a brief summary abt what happened etc.

so we arrive in Beijing at GMT+8hrs 2300hrs and by the time we reach the hotel, its arnd 0100hrs. the hotel looks f***ing eerie and creepy inside and outside at this time and we are feeling f***ed up. 'why we so suay, dio this kind of scary hotel?' but we have no choice so we go in, check in, nobody really goes into their rooms alone. everybody is travelling around everybody's rooms. and after 3hrs of crapping, dai di etc., we get used to the rooms and sleep. by then its 0430hrs.

the next morning at 0645, me and Qin are waken up by KL and MC. we are f***ing late. we chiong through the changing etc. in the end, we do not brush our teeth or bathe. xDDD hahas. i feel f***ing cold in the bus as i did not bring my jacket. my lips start to crack and my nose becomes damn red. the cold is unbearable and it gets worse when we reach the school, we are greeted by a lot of students and a f***ing smelly stench. by the way, it was around 0750 then. and we were suppose to reach at 0720. we are f***ing late.

the classrooms have air-cons which freeze us. most of us sleep or feels bored. the rest talk to their buddys. my chines is like crap so i keep my mouth shut. it is a boring day. we watch the students do their morning exercise. it is extremely well cheorographed. everyone is moving at the same time. we proceed to class. then lunch. eat some stuff. i dun finish my lunch. we play soccer with the students. and get trashed 2-0. i feel like a loser. xD jkjk. we then go to the hall to hear some stuff which i dun give a damn abt. i take a nap. and soon we are on our return journey back to our hotel. we have dinner at a restaurant and we have a taste of whats coming up in our dinners and lunches for the next 8 days. we do not like it. back in our hotel, we have failed dance prac. it sucks.

i sleep at 0000hrs. it is the earliest i will ever sleep for the whole trip. the next day, me and Qin wake up on time. we even have time to bathe but we do not bathe. we eat our breakfast and are soon to realise that what we were eating would be for every breakfast. we reach school and go through the same routine. this time we draw with the students 1-1 in soccer. i make 3 lame saves and run the half the field for fun. but i do not lose the ball and i pass the ball to MC only for him to run the rest of the distance and miss. i do not give a damn. i have had fun. we return back to class. we tahan another hour annd we are off to the hotel in the city. we go to a shopping centre b4 our dinner and hotel. we eat McDonalds' at the shopping centre. this would be the 1st time of 2 times where we would eat McDonalds'. our dinner is worse than the one the night b4.

we go to the hotel. we are pissed with the arrangement of the rooms. we are spread apart through 9 storeys. i am expecially pissed. we are in the same room as ZJS and LHM. but things get better as ZJS and LHM change rooms with Vic and KM. but Vic, KM and Qin sleep early. i have no choice but to join MC and Marc for the night at Sheena's room. i do not sleep for the entire night. we play dai di and di dai for the entire night. it is boring. but i do not sleep. big mistake. the next day, i sleep like a pig. even when i am hit, i do not wake up and the bus driver is pissed with me. xD. i feel like a f***ing loser. this time i mean it. i walk through the tian an men like a zombie. i am extremely tired. the sun is burning me. dammit. i am f***ed up. after a crappy 3/4hr walk. we reach back into the bus. i sleep. dammit. and i wake in a restaurant. i have no idea how i got there. help. we eat beijing duck. and our lame eating game wakes me up a little. back in the bus, i make sure i do not sleep again. luckily i do not sleep and we reach another boring place. i feel the heat. then a show. we watch lots of flips and handstands and heatstands and demonstations of arm strength and flexibility. i have no comments. we eat our dinner. back in the hotel, i fall asleep in Deon, KH, KL and Marc's room. Jave is the other outsider other then me. i wake up realising that have bleed. i feel pain. and i am waken up by Qin's wake up call. i realise i did have not slept in my room a single time in this hotel. oops... xD

we eat our breakfast and leave as we will be going back to the 1st hotel as we will be going back to school. and our current hotel is very faraway. i have my bag very lousily as my bag has no space. i have only brought my p.e. stuff. i will not be bathing in the hotel. xP. after going some where i 4gt and eating lunch, we go to chang cheng. we climb to somewhere and run back down. it is difficult running back down as my shoe is breaking apart and it is very slippery. i am abt to fall. luckily, i do not fall like a bloody idiot. we are running down as there is only half and hour left and we want to have a drink at starbucks which is at the bottom of chang cheng we run like idiots. finally we reach starbucks and have a drink. we are refreshed. we go back up and laugh at Eugene Loh. he is a loser. xD jkjk. then, we realise that Gowin, Junyao and Anghong are missing. the teachers are worried as it is dangerous for 3 girls to be alone in such a big place. but we do not worry. we are happy. well, sorta. but the 3 girls are found and our high spirits go lower. we have dinner and go to our hotel. i regret not bringing any other clothes to change into. i stink like crap after running down chang cheng. dammit. however, i decide to change in to my p.e. as i will not be sweating anymore. i have fun in KL's room. then i go to Lihui and Tingen 's room and accidentally fall asleep. and MC leaves me there. but when i wake up and realise that im in the 2 girls room, i am too tired to be pissed with MC. i go back to my room and try to find a place to sleep as Jos and Jave arre sleepping in my room. i fall asleep and wake up at 0645 again. Lihui and Tingen are late. i am being teased for this as MC is a bastard and tells everyone that i slept in the girls room. and he missed out the accidentally part and the fact that he had also slept inside. dammit. i am being scammed.

we go to school and dont attend class. instead we learn some chinese stuff. after a long day of crap and napping, we perform our lame couple dance in front of the sec2 students. i am pai-seh-ed. i receive 2 presents from my buddy. i am very pai seh. as the gifts are expensive and the gift i gave him is only $6. i am crapped up. we go to somewhere else and eat dinner. and we return back to our hotel. today is a boring day as everyone is asleep. zzz...

oops.. shit. this post is longer than i thought. xD anyway, i gotta go pack my bag for my church camp tml. o yarr.. u all wont be hearing from me for abt 4/5 days. sorry. xP kkaez... bb.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
u tell me u love me, but do u really mean it? i hope so...

bboy BY