come. read. tag. leave.

for FUN, unless you hate fun...

im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
cost $1,509,000 on humansforsale.com
ex-Coralite, ex6/1, AHS, ex-1C, 2D, COS ex-CM, YPM: Timothy LG
breaker, bassist

com, hp, aircon, jap rice, mp3, xbox, tv, metal/rock, electric/bass guitar, friendster
bboying, her

studying, tests/exams, com lag, injured, getting pissed, dr boon


Hit Counter
Hit Counter

Create your own Friend Test here

heading underlined=link

si min

kar wing
sheng yong



yong quan
yu xin

Hong 10(info)
The End(info)

my friendster
my myspace


November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007

style before power

Thursday, May 31, 2007

back from beijing.
I miss the staying up late;
miss the rural placed hotel;
miss the long bus rides;
miss the waking up late and being late for everything;
miss the wet bus seats;
miss the boringness of continuous dai-di-ing and dare-or-dare-ing;
miss the hard to breathe weather;
miss the f***ing cold weather;
miss cracking my lips;
miss my lips bleeding;
miss the early rising sun;
miss the cheap prices there;
miss the bloody rich school;
miss the smelly entrance of the school;
miss the artificial soccer field;
miss the guy at the counter in the second hotel;
miss playing with our lunch and dinner;
miss going to everybody else's room everynight;
miss wearing the same pants everynight;
miss the no door bathing area;
miss jumping onto the bed;
miss looking at the same soveniors everywhere;
miss watching the shows on the plane;
miss the plane's dinner;
miss the damn steep chang2 cheng2

hahas. actually got more but dont want to post about it. kkaes.. i should be sleeping now but couldnt resist posting cuz i never post for 8 and a half days liao. xD today later got cca. dun feel like going but better go in case nc koh get f***ed up. later also going to collect report card. dammit.

anyways, i dun wan post too much. maybe l8r this afternoon i post again=] kk. go liao. bb.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
got your present le. xDD hope you like it.. =]]]]

bboy BY

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

this is going to be the last time i post b4 i go beijing.
xDDDDD cant wait sia. l8r go airport eat lunch with EugeneLoh they all. hopefully dont eat smth expensive cuz i only have like $5. xD im hoping i get a good buddy and the lessons wont be so boring(x
o yarr. go beijing still have to do the couple dance sia. sian larr. yesterday in school already embarrass myself in front of 2 teachers. now have to do it in front of dont know how many people. haiz. aiya. bo bian lor. Ms Ng already say liddat that no choice lorr. have to embarrass myself again. haiz.. wdv larr. shldnt think abt the bad things. xD
anyone who want me to buy them present then faster tell me hor. then also try to tell me what u want of not what u like. kkaez? x)
ok. better go bathe and relax b4 the trip. and im looking foreward to playing mario in the plane.
hahs. kkaez. bb until 31st May 2007. =]]]]
ROCK ON l..l^_^l..l
if only u told me what u like and what u want then maybe i wont have such a difficult time trying to find a present for you. xDDD

bboy BY

HEY Y'ALL!!! beijing trip only 21hrs and 59mins. wootz!! so fast leh. right from when cls said abt the trip until now, so many things have happened and so fast. wow. packing my stuff. actually, i dun know what to pack lor. from 2 sec1 camp experiences, i have always underpack, so i have to wear a single shirt or shorts up to 3 times. so very pressurising for me. xD i scared underpack again. lol.

anyway, i realise that even though its only tml, im not really anxious, excited etc. lol?

[goes to watch tv, use com, PACK lugagge]

oops... din post anything for 4hrs. hahas. xD. lol. anyway, i guess i better go liao. dont want tml wake up then rmb 4get smth then rush rush rush. so bb. have fun!! lol. even though a lot of people already go liao. xD
ROCK ON l..l^_^l..l
hahas xD dont worry, i'll buy u your present=]]]

bboy BY

Monday, May 21, 2007

2 more days to Beijing. luggage still empty. bought chocolate for Beijing thing. just had to srub my t-shirt like siao4 because of Qin. eating Jap rice for dinner. PET rocket was lame and boring. still grounded. no more S'pore money left, must wait until next month. dun wan go school tml.

ok. thats abt it. Beijing trip coming liao. 1st time i go overseas with school, friends etc. somehow not really feeling excited. juz happy can get out of grounded-ness. and sorry for not posting for like dunno how long.

anw, i thought about wad qualifies someone as a b-boy and think that to be really called a b-boy. someone's gotta be able to do a windmill cuz its sorta the trademark move in b-boying. one of the 1st few 'tricks' in b-boying.

to me, being able to do the real baby freeze, shoulder, elbow, nike and headstand, six step etc. dosen't really qualify u as a b-boy. cuz any other dancer can use this move in a different dance like hip hop, modern, street cult. etc. even flips dun qualify even though its more difficult kind of 'stunt'.

actually, it may seem as if to me, to qualify to be a b-boy, someone just has to be able to do powermoves. but actually, its only windmill. cuz u can do a flare or 2000 and nobody who knows nothing of breakdancing will know what the heck ur doing. only windmills are as popular and more recognised.

anyway, i juz realised that i got say this b4 in another post but last time it was more brief. so now im juz thinking about it a bit deeper.

o yar. when i went to kkh blog, he something abt he post is for other people to read not for himself and blah blah blah. i think that i post is more for myself. cuz most of my post are about b-boying and most people who come to this blog don't really give a damn abt b-boying. actually only about 2/3 people know what the heck im posting abt. lol?

so anyway, do you guys think that i should start posting more for y'all to read or more for myself to read? so if y'all think i should start posting for y'all then i'll post less about b-boying lor. its up to you...

anyway, erm... i guess i better go liao. bb. and rmb to 4gt to tag(:
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
u have no idea.. haiz.. wish u could be the one who would ask me out 1st xD

bboy BY

Monday, May 14, 2007

today=a day of pro-ness, tyco-ness and suay-ness. xD and all is when playing soccer. hahas...
let in MC's loser shot(suay)
MC shoot lightly then i dunno why go and move to the right when the ball is goin staight to me.. den let in a damn idiotic goal.
30 sec of continue saves from(in order of shots) Adriel(pro+tyco), Qin(nth cuz is hit wall), Adriel(pro), Deon(dunno cuz is not really considered difficult to save), MC(suay), Adriel(tyco).
dont want to elaborate except on the MC(suay) part. suay cuz i dive then dio cut on right elbow and just above hip.
Deon, MC, Qin, Adriel etc. singing the lame song about me and Lihui, then i let in goal(suay)
is actually damn damn damn damn stupid lorr... cuz i remember is like they juz started singing then i say "SHUDDUP" then suddenly i see the ball goin towards the goal. so i faster try to save. but too faraway. and the suay thing is that i cut my right knee. crap. and the weird thing is that i din even see the guy shoot. i juz suddenly see the ball flying towards the goal. CRAP.

OK. i guess thats abt all. actually got more. but dun wan to say everything.. anyway, today go Simpang eat mee pok. wait damn long. den finally eat. but at least is not bad.. and i also finally found out who Yan Hao like. but i wont say cuz im not suppose to say. xD

anyway, after that play soccer. then everybody play like crap. never play properly... den like abt
3+, we go 7/11 by drink. then Adriel, Jonathon and Jave go home. let me, MC and YH. talk a bit at the post office bus stop. then YH go liao. me and MC talk for abt 30 mins. and somemore we are at the bus stop that cannot take any bus home. hahas.

then after that at abt 4, want go home. but go home also damn sian. so we decided to play with the hidden soccer ball. so since nobody, MC try a new way to score. but its a damn tiring and difficult way to score.. so after awhile. a lot momre people come. then never play cuz i dio cramp and MC dio injured dunno how. buy drink le, rest for awhile, then go home le.

hahas. today was like soccer, soccer and more soccer. i think im getting sian of soccer. hahas. lol. i mean its been like one year straight that we have been playing soccer so much, even though last year is play 1st recess, 2nd recess and after school but now only after school. but still quite siao. at least more siao than anybody else in the school=]

erm.. got to eat dinner liao... sian.. anyway, good luck tml. dont flunk hor.. peace.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l

bboy BY

Friday, May 11, 2007

lol. just realised something. during the MYEs period that time, i post everyday leh. then the day MYE end, is the 1st time i never post after 3 posts in a row. lol. weird sia. most people is MYEs period cannot post then after exam then can post. i is opposite way. lol. hahas. xD
ok. i think im becoming lame...
anyway, today got mini olympiad thing. then soccer scouts win. dunno they tyco or got skill. actually ben3 lai3 i want to post a lot about it de. but now dont feel like.. anyway, scouts got one sec 1 camper sia. always camp infront de. then when ball get to him then he already one-on-one le. so score. then scout win. tyco with a bit skill.
then after school MC come my house play xbox for about 1 hr. play Forza and FIFA 2007.. Forza we play 3 i win 2. FIFA we play 2 i win 2. hahas. somemore i so long never even thouch the xbox le and FIFA and Forza is not my best game. anyway, 1st FIFA game i win 5-3. 2nd game thrash 8-1 or 8-2. lol. but actually 2nd game i damn suay lor. abt 5 times hit post and 3 that hit pole i score rebound. hahas.
anyways, after that go simpang. play soccer for only 2 games cuz a lot of people. so wait one game is need wait for like 45min / 1hr. sad.. but i also damn damn damn damn damn off form sia.. kns. but dont care larr..
actually i wan put a funny pic up but the pic come out too small and muz be able to see the words if not not funny de. so wont put.
so erm.. guess got nothing else to post le. haiz.. im getting sian lor.. juz realised that before exam, i wan exam faster over. den now exam over dunno what to do.. haiz.. sian sia.
anyways, bb.
ROCK ON. l..l ^_^ l..l

bboy BY

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

lol. this blogskin is i do de with help from my sis.. xD cant believe i have time to even do this blogskin.. lol. exam havent even over yet. lol. tml still got maths paper.. LAST PAPER!!! wootz! lol. havent study much actually... xP... anyway, what do y'all think of this blogskin? nice a not? to me not as light-purplish as the last one.. maybe a bit nicer.. but much more plain.. hahas.. got any comments, just TAG...xD

ok. erm... i shouldnt be posting.. lol. i shld be studying maths.. but a lot of people oso not studying so nvm larr... lol.

anw, today paper was OK.. not like very difficult like the other papers but also not say damn easy.. need to think a bit.. lol. flunk, flunk, flunk, pass. lol. my current status.. hahas.. but all i can think about is PLAY PLAY PLAY!!! hahas.. only a few more hours to FREEEEEEDOMMMMM!!!! lol. haha. so zi4 high. lol. dun care larr... after maths paper then shiok le. lolz..

o yar.. lol. i used a lot of breakdancing stuff for this blogskin.. lol. so to Yu Xin: sorry lor.. cannot tahan le.. xD hahas..

anyway, got some sports enrichment thing.. got archery, bowling, kayaking, golf, inline-skating, wake-boarding, rock climbing and maybe got one more i forgot le.. and i chose ROCK CLIMBING!!! lolz.. cuz i love climbing and thats the nearest to climbing le.. if only they will bring us to some real rocks... haiz... but bo bian.. have to go those ARTIFICIAL 'rocks'.. lol. sianz... but i dun really like the others... i mean i like kayaking, archery and bowling(a bit)... but climbing is my best and favourite mahz... haiz...
aiya. actually, shouldnt be complainin bout this thing.. i mean at least have this kind of thing.. lol. xD

and since i've already tahan 2 posts without breakdancing, i cannot tahan le. xD hahas..
so.... i tried flip on a bed... buay sai... den try front flip... try try try try try... after a lot of tries, i finally managed to do 1. lol. but damn lousy... i mean like very wobbly... den i try side flip.. i did over the whole bed(abt 160 cm)... i almost fly all the way past the whole bed... scary like shit... but managed to do... zai3... xD somemore my leg hit the tissue box then the whole tissue box dented inwards... so shiok.. lol. and i managed to do a SIDE FLIP!!! lol. easiest flip but not easy at all...

anyways, i tried that in a vault... then my legs everytime kena a bit of the sofa(lol).. cuz the sofa damn long to this kind of vault.. lol. anyways, it was like damn scary lor... suddenly dio caught... scared of falling.. lol? but in the end managed to do 1 only... haiz.. not easy sia... lol.

ok. erm... hmmmm....

aiya. i think i better go study liao... bb.
ROCK ON l..l ^_^ l..l
help! help! help! im flunking my MYEs, my heart's in a mess, and im tired... but at least you're flunking too...

bboy BY

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

(....\............../....) ROCK ON!!!!

. \....\........... /..../



..../... l....l..(¯¯¯`\



...\.....` ¯..¯ ´.......'




Cool right? lol. found the 1st one from funnyjunk.com and the 2nd one from youtube... lol. anyway, today science sucked man... din do one ques which i really din noe how to do.. at least not as bad as Jave... he never do the last 2 ques sia.. minus like 20 marks le.. sad sia... haiz.. anyway, tml english... dun really need to study.. but im still going to study... lol. bo bian..
o yarr... if anyone of y'all have the show and tell the actual day performance de vid pleeeease send me.. cuz i juz saw the other vid and suddenly remembered the performance vid... advance thx to whoever going to send to me... thanks=]
lol. ok. erm... 7 people have officially asked me who the her in my {likes} and {wishlist} is.. and guess wad... i gave all of them different answer in the ratio 1:1:3:1:1 lol. pro right? 5 different answers... and the truth is that its all the same person... lol. haha.
actually, i wanted to post abt breaking but remembered what Yu Xin tagged.. so i wont post abt breaking...
LINKIN PARK!!!!! their new album coming out on 14 may! wootz!! minutes to midnight!!! lol. currently listening to 'What i've done'.. damn nice sia... cool and shiok at the same time sia. !!! lol. haha.. ok.
lol. just went to some people de blog and i juz realise even the smarter guai kia girls also flunk le. lol. unbeievable... its like almost everybody flunk liao.. LOL.
[Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.]-Albert Einstein
lol. something unfortunately true.. lol.
[Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.]-Albert Einstein(again)
not funny. but juz some 'inspirational' quote.. so can tahan MYEs de. flunk also nvm de. just take it as a learning experience. xD
[I can resist everything except temptation.]-Oscar Wilde
irony... lol.
ok. better go liao. bb
dont know what to say abt you. cuz no words can describe u well enough.

bboy BY

Monday, May 07, 2007

yo.. geog and chi over liao! wootz!! now sci.. but now is my slack time! lol. so anw, this post wont be long cuz later got to mug and Yu Xin is getting sian of my post cuz of breaking(no link to who i like)... so since i dunno what to post other than breaking, this post wont be long... anyway, hmmmm... dunno what to post leh.. lol. erm... o yarr... got a vid.. showing a rich kid whos having too much fun in his own backyard.. but his actually not bad for his age.. hes 8 years old..

lol. anw, gtg liao. o yar. one last thing. GOOD LUCK FOR MYES!!! ok. bb.
My heart's in a mess. Maybe i'll just think abt you after MYEs.

bboy BY

Friday, May 04, 2007

YO!!! MYE come liao!! Wootz? Sian? Dont know what to feel lehz.. Cuz MYE come then have to study study study.. Aftert exam still got the pressure when taking back results.. But after exam jiu4 ke2 yi3 play play play.. So good. Somemore after that go Beijing.. But i also dont know whether go Beijing good or not.. cuz my group got the no.1 and no.2 horny bastards.. Sian.. But go there hopefully will be fun sia.. But im still considering whether i should continue being f*cking angry with the 2 bitches and go to Beijing or dont even go(most of you should know how easily i can get injuries.. One wrong move and i can dio injured until cannot even go.. It wont be difficult.. Btw, im still f*cking pissed with the mofos.. They are f*cking bastards who spoil the entire class sia.. W/o them, the class will be soooo much better.. Stupid asshole who choose the people for each class.. Dont know how to choose de.. At least change the 2 f-ers with YH and Xiong larr.. Idiot sia...
Ok. Should stop think about the 2 ****** ******* ******** ****** ******** **** **** ** *** *** *****.
Wow. That was vulgar. Good thing i censor everything.. So you wont have to know all the vulgarities i think of them.. O yar. I realised that i didnt even say their name.. But its damn obvious lar.. And HOMING takes up 3/4 of the vulgarities i just said.. Seriously...
Ok. Better stop posting about them so that i wont say so many vulgarities.. xP
O yar.. Yesterday, after i finish revising my geog, i go Youtube search for Jora vs Junior in Red Bull BC One 2005 to see what a threaded mill is.. And found a video of Hong10 teaching how to do his trademark freeze.. Its in Korean.. But nvm de.. Cuz its obvious what his trying to say.. Anw, here's the video. So that y'all will know what the Hong10 freeze really is..

Cool right? LOL.. Anyway, i tried it and realised that its FREAKING painful to the hip and back.. Cuz you have to bend soo much and the elbow that is supporting your body will stab into your hip bone.. Damn difficult but i tyco managed to do it once for abt 2/3 sec.. Lol.. O yar.. the difficult part is actually that your head muz be backwards not sidewards or in a headstand position.. Its almost like a backwards headstand..
Ok.. Erm.. O yar.. To me, Hong 10 and Physicx are the best Bboys in the world.. Physicx has the best one hand stuff like Elbow spin, One hand air flare, 1990, One hand side hollowbacks etc. Hong 10 has his freeze and he can improvise his freeze in to a lot of different kind of moves.. O yar.. I also saw Hong10 vs Phsyicx compete one-on-one at the UK Bboy Championship 2004.. And Phsyicx won very obviously.. But that was a long time ago.. I think Hong 10 would win Physicx now.. So in standings to me, Hong 10 is 1st and Phsyicx is 2nd.. To me..
Ok. I better go revise my chinese now.. bb..
MYEs coming.. so i guess i better not think to much about you.. and concentate on my studies.. but hopefully i can use my MYEs to win you...

bboy BY

Thursday, May 03, 2007

yo... juz got tortured by Jave, Adriel and MC cuz they wan to know hu the 'her' is.. lol? in the end have to give them 3 clues. but wont tell anybody else the 3 clues xP... but actually damn easy for them to find out lar.. juz use the 3 clues and read the last part of my posts.. then see who fit.
anyway, today 1st thing i see is what was written on the board. kns sia. someone(still dunno who) go and write 'Ben<3lihui' and some shit evidence like we're couple dance partners etc. lameshit. i didnt erase cuz no use de lar. i erase le, everybody will still say me and Lihui. so no use de lar. and i dun care lar. cuz what matters is what i really feel. so continue saying lor. I DUN CARE. but anw, Lihui l8r come into class then erase.. lol.
anyway, after that got chinese test. a lot of people(including me)cheat sia. lol. anw, hopefully get good marks.. haiz... den after that recess,art,science sian-ed.. then after that CD lesson... den play some hangman game.. den the cuifenjie say wan one representative for guys and girls. den everybody saying Huilu and Godwin. then suddenly Jave say 'why not Ben and Lih-... oops..' bastard. den everybody say wan me and Lihui. crap. and did i really blush?!?!?!?!?!?!?! wtf sia. wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf... suay!!! haiz... but dun care larr... at least dun have to do anything stupid with her... heng...
anw, after that geog then sch end le.. den stupid Qin punch my right arm.. wa sei damn pain sia. cannto use my right hand for abt 30 mins. den after that when we playing soccer in classroom, Jave knee my right thigh and Adriel step on my left toes and left fingers.. wth sia..damn pain larr my fingers.... den after that go 85.. lol. so late den we go 85. lol. that time already 5pm le. lol. den after that while goin home dey torture me lor..
so that was my day.. quite eventful if not for art and science period. lol. o yar. i realise that i damn suay after my hamstring dio pull. ok. this is in order arr...
1.hamstring pull.
4.sprained right hand.
5.major left leg cramp.
6.right knee abration(dunno how to spell).
7.sprained/bruised left shoulder.
8.punched right arm.
9.knee-ed right thigh.
10.stepped-on left fingers/toes.
LOL. so in the end got 10 physical pain to me. lol. got mental oso larr.. but wont say xP.. haha. ok larr... i think i should stop le ba. bb.
rock on.
Jave, Adriel and MC: actually you all already know who i like. but its just that i didnt say 'yes'. jus continue guessing and if i ever get HER, then you all will know lor. so just wish me good luck lor.

bboy BY