come. read. tag. leave.

for FUN, unless you hate fun...

im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
cost $1,509,000 on humansforsale.com
ex-Coralite, ex6/1, AHS, ex-1C, 2D, COS ex-CM, YPM: Timothy LG
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November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007

style before power

Monday, April 30, 2007

happy may day.... or not... haiz... stil have to study sia...sianz...... later go grandma's house den can escape doing work... xD haha... actually not much to post abt lehz...
o yar... i juz went to class blog and realised that nobody go yesterday except me, Del and Tingen... and we're the only people who posted... crap... why so little people go class blog de? we in class still quite bonded. but when it comes to class blog, like only got 10 people in 2D. haiz... damn pathetic sia... but what to do? also not say i can control class de ren...

but dun care le larr... also not say my blog mah... xP... jkjk. anyway, im like quite addicted to Thanks for the Memories by Fallout Boy and Keep your Hands off my Girl by Good Charlotte. damn nice sia... but i guess that after like 1 week+ den i wont like it so much le... xP. everytime like that de....

o yarr... juz when to KH blog. and roughly read or glimpse his latest post. and KH said something like he will kena KB back or something like that. then he say i most likely to KB him back. i wanna say something but wont nong4 cheng2 like Kar Wing de... ok. did i KB him? dunno lehz... maybe? but when? home-ec that time ar? dunno... but if it is hm-ec den i didnt KB. cuz i juz being bo liao and asking some crap ques juz for the fun of it... like i ask why Deon must use fake accent... lol? juz bo liao/bored... like u said in ur post that ur bored or something like that.

and is BHB-ing a boredom killer? dun think so. i'd (or more like everybody) rather u beatbox mah. i mean like hu BHB to kill boredom? definately not me cuz i'd rather sleep or breakdance. and i dun think anyone would like purposely make himself/herself irritating unless they are like -...... seriously. and somemore you write in your blog that you hate arrogantness and irritating people. BHB-ing and KB-ing people is arrogantness and irritating people respectively... but anyway, you said sorry (or something like that). so is that good? dunno lehz... cuz i dun think u can change ur character so easily... but what the heck... zong zhi you dun KB or BHB me, i dun really give a bloody damn...xP
ok larr... wont crap so much le ba... xD... bb.
why must life be so unfair?! help...

bboy BY

yo... actually i wanted to post abt someone... BUT decided not to. xP... someone should noe... but the rest of you dun have to know lor... xD...

anyway, posted in class blog after like 1 month duo1... lol... and the rest of you who can post in the class blog, PLEASE post larr... nobody posting much until today... haiz... today got 3 people post at around same time... lol... i post 1st then when i go c class blog, realised that Del oso post and she post like a few minutes after me... lol... den at 1st, today's post like only i post cuz Del never write her name and no divider... lol.... but then after that Tingen oso post and KH do the divider... so looks better but still guai4 lan3... lol... and KH change the format from can only show 6 posts to can show 13 posts... so look better lor=]

anw, i juz realise cuz i sprained or bruised my left shoulder and i thought that i could only do one arm pumping with left hand, i tried with my right arm and realised that i can use right arm oso. so now, i can use both arms to pump. YESSS!!! lol... 1st time in my life... LOL. but right arm still quite kns... my knees sometimes will bend de. xP... lol. but at least can do... haha. Qin, Deon, KH, KL etc. all cant do... HAHA... no offence. but kinda sad that i only stronger at my tricep and back and a bit of chest. my forearm so lousy larrr... haiz... but i also realised my tahaning better than Deon. he pump after awhile jiu4 buay tahan le. at least i can tahan whole thing. and i also realised that i got more strength even though i got lesser muscles. weird sia... haiz... but in the end strength and muscles ain't everything... if only... den i can juz train... no need study like shit... SIAN...

anyway, dun feel like posting le... bb...

can we ever be together again? at least give me a hint...

bboy BY

Sunday, April 29, 2007

[IF YOU WANT ME TO WRITE THIS IN A FEW PARAGRAPHS, TAG. I TOO LAZY NOW. SORRY]yo... quite long never post le... pai seh... this week got quite a few things that happen... Wednesday... err... not much ba... juz that i think the beijing group thing goin to change and is goin to be ballot de... sianz... hopefully i get lucky and dio with my gang... or her... den thursday... erm... o yar... paper 1... sianz... dunno how... hopefully get good marks... den after that me, Jave, Qin, Vin, Jonathon, Vic, Deon, MC, Adriel, YH go simpang SS court... den after awhile table tennis senior come... den cuz they disturb Vin so Vin buay song, go AP them, den hit one of them the dick... den that guy angry like shit chase Vin... but Vin pro run to the wall there then vault over... damn nice larr... never touch de wall at all... den the other guy dunno wad to do den stop chasing lor... lol... damn cool and funny... xP... anyway, after that the seniors go... den left us... we play for awhile... and i officially am better than Qin at being 'keeper... we play who do most saves... save once add one point... let in one goal minus one... lol... den he minus until a lot... lol... and i trash him... but dun care larr... cuz obviously i better larr... xP... haha... jkjk... anyway, i think i only got save one quite nice one... so-so ba... sianz... den after that play le go home and realise dio minor sunburn... lol... and dio scolded... cuz i not suppose to play soccer and somemore play for like 5 hrs... lol... wad a day sia... den friday... nth much except that Jave, Deon, MC and Qin come my house... den they scared my dog... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........... lol... i juz find it weird... lol... anyway, we did pumping wave... wootz... so fun sia... lol... and Deon and Qin is weak... lol... they after like abt number 30/40 liddat den cannot tahan le... lousy sia... den after that they extra come in... lol... in the end we do 200... lol... and i realise i got more muscle than Qin and Deon... dunno abt MC... i think he got more lower body... i got more upper body... shld be ba... den saturday... erm... did my art den go church... den nth much ba... today... finish art... i take so long cuz MC never do a sh*t... haiz... dammit larr... de now need do the poster... by myself again... haiz... and i think i most probably start studying earlier than most of my gang de ren... lol... maybe cuz i realised that my life is at stake if i dun study and get good results... haiz...ok ba... i think i go le ba...dun really know what you are to me now... maybe you're not as important in my life as i had thought... haiz... but i can't just stop liking you right? help...

bboy BY

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

hey... yo... sian lar... nobody coming my blog larr... sianz... boring... haiz... anyway, today nothing much happen... geog, science - boring as usual... music have to go in front of the class sing some sh*t... 2nd time this year dio public embarrassment... recess dun dare use money... chinese do zuo4 wen2... eng talk cock and play cr*p... maths sian-ed... assembly expressions most sian... after school go TM eat LJS den go library do maths hmwk... den librarian chase us out... actually chase a lot of people out... den on train when goin home cuz i eating, then got one guy bo liao go tell me dun eat... so i stop... reach home... ok... BORING... SIANZ....

if y'all havent noticed, my post keep getting sian-er and sian-er... maybe cuz exam coming liao. haiz... got to study... so letargic... sian-ded... even b-boying wont do much... so now i know that there is really really really something missing in my life... wads it? i also trying to find out leh... maybe is my attitude? need to change? dunno... maybe i need a girl in my life?xP lol? dunno... but there's a possibility... haiz... maybe i got nothing to play at home... so im forever wanting to not go home after school...?? actually, i've never felt this way b4... sian... is like i got nothing to do but have to do something... aiya... dunno wad im saying larr... talking cock...

maybe i should just stop... bb.... SIAN-DED.......

we seem closer today... but why cant we be like last time, when we were so damn close...?

bboy BY

Monday, April 23, 2007


sianed..... so sian sia. today only can play soccer for like 2-and-a-half hours lor. boring... somemore rain then never do anything for like 1hr+. sianz... den after that i need reach home by 5.00 so got to leave 1st like always... haiz... tomorow music need to present and my group havent even start on the sh*t. this sucks...

i think probably only got 1 good thing today ba... our home-ec rocks nia. longest and the best. everyone laugh like f***. cuz of me and Matt and MC. Jave no use one de lor. the powerpoint is Matt do and the photos is i do. MC and Jave never do anything for the presentation lor. but at least MC did well for the presentation itself. but cher only say Jave. say he always look at the notes on the table. kns. hopefully he never pull my marks down... jkjk. but overall our presentation best. cuz maybe Matt do the background damn nice, maybe even better than KKH.

ok. im sianed... still need to do maths homework. haiz... cher always give so much homework de. and i also always never do until next day de... tomorow need do zuo4 wen2 sia. knn sia. boring sh*t lar. SIANED...... help me... zzz....

now i know exactly what you mean to me, how much you mean to me. but i just cant get any closer to you=[

bboy BY

Sunday, April 22, 2007

YOZ... 6 days since i last posted liao. haiz... nowadays really nothing to post about de leh... i post also cuz got people wan me post mah. so i post. actually not much to post de. hmmm... o yar. i did my share of the home-ec presentation le. i did all the cooking. cuz we didnt take pic. so have to do again. so today i did the whole thing again. and took pics of the step-by-step process of making the food. so maybe it'll be better than other groups cuz its step-by-step PICS. lol. maybe... hopefully...

anyway, the powerpoint presentation is either MC or Matt do. and i supply them with the picsXD but Jave didnt do a shit lar. he totally slacking. never do much. i think the only thing he did is think of the food. and the 'Chef'. thats all lar. haiz... but nvm lar. too late le.

err... dunno what else to post about leh. err... o yar. unless u actually saw me doing it, i dun think anybody knows about this except MC, Jave, KKH. i can do armchair le=] haha. not really lar. juz know how to do le and can hold for a while. normally i hold for 1-1.5 sec. short right? haiz... but at least i can do.. haha... and on Saturday i somehow managed to hold for 3 sec. pro right? no lar. juz tyco... xP anyway, im getting better at breaking but EXAMS ARE HERE!!! dammit lor. now muz study. dun wan fail again. dun wan get so low again. haiz...

i suddenly thought that maybe i should this year try go IP or something liddat. cuz go IP then no 'O' level. den a bit more relax for 2 years. but IP also got so many project. kns sia. not fun de... haiz.. dunno wad to do lehs... maybe i'll juz stick to AHS. and tahan the b*tchy principal and sh*tty amount of holiday homework and all the f***ing teachers. haiz...

but AHS is good cuz is so damn near to my house. but the rules and shit all damn crappy. so many crap to piss me off. other than the fact that its near my house, the other good thing is that the people there not bad ba. but maybe i think that way only cuz i go to AHS. cuz actually if u think about it, no matter which school u got to, u confirm say the people there are good cuz u'll make friends and stuff liddat. so maybe... AIYA. NVM. dunno wad im talking abt... xP haiz...

these few days, i juz keep feeling that there is something missing from my life. and i have no idea what the hell it is. but thinking about it, i realised that to me, i think that everyone live on cuz they expect something good to happen and they want to enjoy it. so... thats what i think larr... i dun care what u think... o yar. i realised that i should start thinking of what im going to do in the future. cuz in the end, everyone grows up and will have to find a job, encounter difficulties and other crap. and im already sec 2. only abt 10 more years and i'll be an adult le. so damn fast. time flies when ur young. xP anyway, juz enjoy ur young and happy. it'll be the most important thing u'll remember when u look back at ur life.

anyway, thinking back at my 13+years, i guess my life isnt that bad. i mean of course there are the BAD times. but there are also the GOOD times. and i guess we should try to remember what was good in our lives and try to forget the bad things although i know its difficult. but in the end, its the good stuff that counts. i guess...

actually, i've never thought about this stuff cuz it never occured to me until... err... nvm. u guys dun need to noe... its juz something personal...

err... ok. i guess got nothing else to say le. juz that whatever i juz posted abt, its juz what I THINK so dun have to talk cock abt it...

things are getting better... i guess... but maybe its cuz i realised how much u mean to me...

bboy BY

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hong 10 and Physicx vs Omar and Ronnie. what a battle sia. all of the are at least within top 100 bboys of now. only Omar not as good. only toprock, uprock here and there. anyway, Phsyicx is pro. he did a windmill to flare to suicide mills and did the shoulder freeze spin. damn pro. and i also realised that Hong 10 favourite move is icey-ice. dont want to explain what it is. then Ronnie. hmmm... actually also not much from him here. but just watch the final of Red Bull BC One 2006 which was between Hong 10 and Ronnie. and Ronnie did better there. ok. im back to bboying le. only thing i cant do is handstand and all those related to lifting legs with little support.

ok. no more to talk about le. bb.

Seems like like there was a line between us today... Almost like a dao period... and its a problem...

bboy BY

Sunday, April 15, 2007

yo. dun really noe y im posting...xP o yar. windmills. not those in holland. i mean breaking that kind of mills. i think im finally more serious about doing windmills le. lol. weird. 4 reasons: 1. pulled hamstring; 2. sprained hand; 3. after-fever-giddyness; 4. i wan to be best in freezes not powermoves. k.

so y im trying out mills? im starting to think its quite cool, not that i never thought that its cool but i thought that freezes were cooler. cuz i realised its more recognised than blowups or airchairs or armchairs or nike or pike or V-kick or wadeva other freeze except baby freeze. lol. and now that i pulled my hamstring, i cant do handstands anymore so i got to do something else. so, now im trying mills. and i realise that to actually even get the technique right would take at least a week. but hopefully by June can do abt 2sec mills. most likely can if i continue trying. ok. enough abt mills. got another thing abt breaking to say.

baby freeze. almost every guy in 2D and almost everybody in 2C knows how its done. BUT YOU ARE ALL WRONG!!!!!! the 'baby freeze' is NOT the real one. to me, its called a LOSER FREEZE. cuz u actually support ur legs. and that is seriously bullsh*t. not a freeze anymore.

even though freezes are called freezes. you are suppose to be able to move ur legs freely.not get them into one position and leave them there. so when u guys do the loser freeze, u cant move ur legs around much. they're juz stuck there, no where to go. only can move ur shin and below. thats not called a baby freeze.

a baby freeze looks the same but is not. one elbow is to be stabbed into ur gut, the other hand juz balances the body not support it. u dun even use much of it. ur legs move up into a position that MUST be below 40degrees. if not it would be much easier. anyway, when ur into that position, the legs are held up by ur muscles only. and u can move them left and right and forward and back freely. so u can see that it is not simple at all. ok. description over.

anyway, i can do it liao. a perfect baby freeze. try it Jos. haha. tiring. i only can tahan for 10sec. lol. difficult sia. but i can do it. haha. beat you again. haha. jkjk.

ok. no more breaking to talk about le. Halo 2. lol. today my sis fren come my house den i play halo 2 wif them. play snipers, rockets and team swords. coagulation, ascension and backwash. sniper/coagulation. win. not trash. they came quite close but i still winXD haha. rockets/ascension. win and trash. their scores total add up also lower than my total. xP. team swords/backwash. win and trash and almost totally own. xP. actually swords most fun cuz very ci4 ji1. lol. and somemore is the three of them(my sis and 2 of her frens) team against me alone. so its 3-on-1. lol. and i won. haha. at 1st i losing. until somehow i started winning after they hit 15 kills and that time i got 10 kills. after that i started killing them for fun. lol. i can in one life get 3 double kill. haha. anyway, in the end, i got 61 medals. haha. beat my personal record.

ok. Halo 2. dun think u will win me very easily in it. cuz once i get a energy sword, u all die liao. muahahaha. haha. jkjk. but really lar, my speciality is energy sword. when play wif me, dun let me get it. haha. actually, zong zhi, dun play wif me rockets or swords. cuz i most likely own unless one of y'all got hidden talent. lol.

ok. gtg le. bb.

balancing my life with so many things. friends, breaking, girls, pk, playing vid games, studies.
but still not getting any closer.

bboy BY

Friday, April 13, 2007


HEY YO!!!! damn damn damn long time since i last post. pai seh lar. i too sian to post. den got fever so too busy sleeping to post. xP. haha. anyway, oso not much to post about... except that i dammn suay de lar. 1st, i dio hamstring pull. den i dio hand sprain den got fever. now got some allergy thing. SIAN ar. and even my com oso got problem. haiz....

wtf lor. not much for me to do at home de lor. so sian. but i missed common test and the morning exercise thingy. haha. but i oso no choice de lar. i thursday wake up cant even get up lor. so giddy. i get up, need to lie back down. so pain sia. den in the end managed to go to doctor. den w8 so long. but heng i slp so i didint realie how long it was. haha. den doctor immediately give me antibiotics. wa. so fast lor. normally doc wil give only when really really need. but i so fast need le. must be the fever too bad le. haiz... den go home slp for like 4 hrs duo1 ba. haha. den wake up feel sooo much better le=D so zhe4 yang4 i guo4 thursday and friday. today go doc again to check some allergy thing. haiz... but its ok(: actually now i not suppose to use com. but my parents go out fetch my sis from tuition and buy lunch. so nvm lar. hahaXD

ok. dun really noe wad to say actuallyXD err... o yar. i think after my fever totally gone le, i think i most likely can go back breaking le. yessss!! cuz i whole day only lie down never do much. so rest so much sure recover le. o yar. and i realised something. at 1st, i thought only 2000s can be held for a long time. but i realise that even 1990s can be done for up to 10sec. wtf. so long. if u dunno wad im talking abt, im talking abt breaking that 2000 and 1990. 2000 is a spinning handstand with both hands together. 1990 is a also a spinning handstand but with only one hand. lol. both are actually equally difficult. cuz even though the 1990 seems more difficult, to a pro breaker, one hand or 2 hand dosent really make much difference. so conclusion: same difficulty.

anyway, nothing to say le. bb. WAIT. i forgot. the small words at the bottom. XD

hopefully getting closer... getting closer... hopefully...

bboy BY

Thursday, April 05, 2007

great yesterday

YO!!! finaly got more people come le! yesssss!!! anyway, i actually wanted to post yesterday but too tired le. so i post today abt yesterday.

yesterday rocked sia. feel so shiok. 1st. i finally jiao1 all my zuo4 wen2 le. after like 3 weeks never jiao1, i finally jiao1. feel so much better. xP. anyway, thats not the only thing.

2nd. after school, we went to Simpang there eat roti prata. wa. i eat until damn full nia. den give one whole egg prata to Jave. lol. got a lot of people who went sia. me, Jos, Adriel, MC, Jave, Deon, Jonathon, Vin and a few of the NCC people. lol. like one gang go gang fight nia. but who's missing? KKH and Qin. Qin got reason. CCA. KKH? dunno him sia. dunno how many times he pang seh us when we go Simpang. liek 5 times le lor. haiz...

anyway, after that we go to the street soccer court. at first, i damn sian. cuz i got hamstring pull den i thought i cannot play le. so i damn damn sian. and somemore they want me to be 'keeper. and thought i cant dive. so i thought i got to be sub. but guess wad... i play and i damn pro sia. cant believe i found my form leh. and im only injured. wa. if i not injured then the other team no need play le. xP. jkjk.

but actually when i think about it, i quite lucky. cuz they all ram mah. ram ram ram ram ram ram ram. ram like siao. so good thing they ram. cuz if they shoot low and slow balls, i confirm lao4 chiu1 de. so better if they ram. then i can save. in the whole day, i think i only let in 4 goals. and that were the 2 matches we lost. actually, 1st match we lost. so we suppose to get out. but since we got so many people, we form 2 teams. haha. so our next team play.

and since some people dun wan play, me and Jonathon from the 1st team go to their team. and we won. 2-0. that was against some of the table tennis seniors and we won after like 10 mins. that game quite shiok. cuz they got 2 people who can ram damn hard. Philip(gerard shirt) and one of the table tennis guy. they both ram damn accurate. Philip scored one from half court in the 1st game leh. siao rite? den the other guy always come like juz outside the semi-circle den ram. got one time he coming nearer. so i move towards him. den gang1 gang1 hao3 my hand come out. den deflect the ball and hit the bar. hahaha. no goal. but my hand damn pain. the whole thing red. for 2 matches my hand a bit numb leh.

but i think my best save was from this match. Philip got the ball like 2m outside the semi-circle. and Jos was trying to block him. Jos was actually half blocking my view. but nvm le. den Philip ram. it went to my bottom right corner. and i DIVED and saved it sia. i actually managed to dive leh. lol. and didnt feel any pain leh. lol. but actually, what really happened was that i was crouching and the moment i see he going to shoot, i just drop onto my side. den by then he ram le. but i put my hand just above my head. and the shot was blocked. den my hand pain like siao. cuz he ram damn damn hard. lol. so thats my best save to me. and this was only my 2nd game...

after that, we play against some malays. they actually damn lousy. they only got one person who can ram de lar. lousy. we win that one in like 5 mins. lol. noobies sia. lol. den we play AHS de ren again. Philip not playing for them le. lol. but they still ram like siao. but managed to save all. and Adreil scored both our goals. anyway, i noe i got save quite nice in this game, but i forgot le. xP. den got another game which i forgot against who. but we won 2-0 again. and i got save quite a lot.

anyway, the next game was our last. awww.... sad. but actually, we already damn tired leh. esp me. i got hamstring pull, right sole cramp, left sole also cramp, left leg cramp. siao lor. but still tahan. Deon damn weak sia. one time cramp den he go out le. haiz... so Jos come in. anyway, in the game, Adriel was the 1st to score. lol. we always 1st to score de. and got 2 time in the end we lose. lol. anyway, we were expecting to lose. cuz we so tired and the other team was. Feroce(Ronaldo shirt) and all the other people who live nearby. and they are the best in the entire street soccer court. so we confirm lose de. somemore i injured. almost totally no hope. but in the end we hold them for about 10 mins. not bad sia.

anyway, i got do 1 cool double save. the guy(forgot his name le) juz outside semi-circle. ram a bit to my right i went down. save with both hands. the ball bounce back to the same guy. and since i on the floor. is almost confirm he will score de. but he tap hard to my right. i stretch my entire body to the right and i managed a finger tip save. and they never score. at that time, the score was 1-0 and we were leading. lol. but in the end they scored 2 and we lost. but at least we play for so long. 5 matches leh. i think is our best ever record lor. we like own everyone there lor. lol.

anyway, i going to play LAN le. bb.

bboy BY

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

OI!!! wtf sia. nobody coming my blog lar. wtf sia. so pathetic lar. so far only Jos come leh. zhi3 you3 ta1 gou4 bruther. xP. anyway, actually, i wanted to post yesterday. but too tired le. so, i'll post today.

k. i wanted to post cuz Jas was being a b****. xP. weird reason. but what the heck... it helps... xP. anyway, me, Deon, MC and Jave were at concourse the staircase to parade square that one. anyway, so, i was trying to slide down the railing of the staircase while still having a pulled hamstring. but i was pathetically failing. i was moving down so bloody slow lar. wtf. something with my pants. sometimes smooth de. sometimes rough de. BUT anyway, thats not the point.

since i couldnt jump, i was encouraging MC to jump down the staircase. but he like want, den dun want. so juz tell him juz try lar. den he run.... last minute dun wan. crappy. but anyway, after awhile, Jas say we very ben4 to PK. say we only hurt ourselves. wtf sia. den somemore later Wen Jie also support her. asshole... xP. anyway, i say i only a few times that quite serious wad. anyway, i wanted to post to make things clear...

Free4all dosent PK to think up different ways to commit suicide. we dun do it cuz we want to show off. thats only KKH and Qin(seriously). we do it cuz of the thrill. when we jump, the hangtime is very very very shiok. its almost like time stops for a short while(aka hangtime). u feel like flying. well, sorta. its fun. another reason is that its challenging. if we accomplish it. the feeling is as shiok as scoring full marks for a common test. believe me. i felt both before. anyway, if we know we cant do it, we dont do it. UNLESS we believe we can do it. k. UNDERSTAND?

but anyway, i have a question to all not in my gang de(KKH, Qin, Jave, Jos, KL, MC, Deon). Do you guys prefer us(my gang) breakdancing or PK-ing? please answer. i need an answer. juz dont say both also dont do. i can tell you go eat my shit. xP.

ok. dont really know what to post about le leh. hmmmm.... o yar. y are girls so scared about us 'hitting' their head? issit the hair? i really dont get it leh. cuz if only girl scared then does that mean Qin and Deon are girls? xP. jkjk. but seriously lar. WHY?

anyway, if Vivien ever comes here: you may not get your present in the end. pai seh hor. xP. make you wait so long for nothing.

anyway, my life is getting seriously damn boring. 1st dio hamstring pull. cannot PK and breakdance. now got sore throat. now cant even beatbox. not that i really like beatboxing or wadeva. but its the only thing that i can do since i pulled my hamstring. now my life so boring. only got school, tv, com, work and i eat donut until sian le. dammit. i rather have got a very very very bad sore throat than get pulled hamstring leh. i need to breakdance leh. DAMMIT!!! sian lar. so bloody boring at home leh. sian lar.

aiya. think i go do my zuo4 wen2 le ba. and before i go, juz going to tell you guys that i think i going to start the small fonts at the end of the posts le like Jos. xP. k. bb.

still waiting... still waiting...

bboy BY

Monday, April 02, 2007

sup y'all! sian lar. y now nobody come my blog de lor. last time the counter can hit 50 per day. now leh? kns sia. only like 5 per day. last time got the Lihui thing then so many people come. now we patch up then now nobody come le. walao eh lor. is as if you'all xing4 zai1 le4 huo4. we quarrel then u all come see what happening. we ok le. nobody even give a damn. damn lar.

aiya. anyway, speaking about the Lihui thing, i juz realised that we really change the way we treat each other since the last few weeks of term 1. last time like everyday quarrel. now rarely quarrel. almost never at all nia. at most also only some crap 'arguement' thats all. so.... ermmm.... yar. so thats wads happening...

but actually it think its the show and tell which caused us to quarrel sooo much. cuz thats when i become so AP. but now i think i not as bad le ba. last time is uncontrollable de. now at least control a bit more ba. i think only lar. but anyway, DAMN show and tell. xP. jkjk.

anyway, erm.... o yar. want to say who i think are the best bboys around the world. k. here goes. and dont criticise me. cuz is only wad i THINK.

Footwork: Born (Rivers)
Airchairs: Ryoma (Mortal Combat)
Blowups/Hand Hops/Pike Freeze: Baek (Extreme)
Powermoves: The End (Gamblers)
Flexibility: Rubber Legz (Terror Bunch)
Most Stylish: Junior (Wanted)
Headspin: Kaku (Mortal Combat)
Suicides: Sonic
Most Resislient: Lazy Legz (Illmatic Styles)
Hollowbacks: Junior (Wanted)

but for Overall: Hong 10

ok. so thats it. gotta sleep le. bb.

bboy BY

Sunday, April 01, 2007

yo. nth much to say actually. anyway, happy april's fool day. too bad its not on a weekday lor. sian lar. but today i got the exact same april's fool day joke i got last year. from 2 different people. lol. exactly same thing sia. so qiao. 2 years in a row. lol. hopefully next year i get the same kind of joke but instead of it being a joke, its zhen1 de. xP. u all wont noe wad it is unless ur the person hu send me. haha.

anyway, i gave pat wong face. did the mind map with handwriting that is quite good le. and somemore got decoration. so i officially gave her face. i actually did 3 out of the 5 mind map we suppose to do. XD. lol.

k. dun think that i have anything else to say ba....... o yar. since i pulled my hamstring, i cant breakdance or pk for another week at least. DAMMIT. this F***ING SUCKS sia. now cant improve on my breaking. and i dun care if Jos and Qin cant catch up with me. i need to breakdance!!!!!!!!! DAMMIT!!!

ok. the end.

bboy BY