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im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
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November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007

style before power

Friday, March 30, 2007

yo. jus change blogskin again again. lol. nice? pls give me your comments. thx. this is a very short post. bb.

bboy BY

show and tell almost totally sucked

sup sup!!! so long never post le. dammit! anyway, show and tell is now officially over. wootz. and i cheorographed the solo part for 3 couples lor. kns... me and Lihui. Qin and Sheena. Wen Jie and Del. pro rite. xP. anyway, me and Lihui the solo part rocked! haha. seriously. but a bit copyrighted ba. if you watched the mortal combat vid i posted. u would know. xP. anyway, this tiny nxt part is to Lihui. cuz i dun really understand wad she's talking abt...
[why u say sorry cuz u lag? i was nvr even angry lar. so no need say sorry lar. also not your fault wad...]
o yar. the solo part got corrupted cuz Tingen and Victor got the timing wrong becuz of Deon and Mel. Mel take too long to stand on Deon. so timing got problem. den Tinged and Victor start 4 sec late. anyway, wads gone is gone. so hu gives a damn?! at least better than wad i thought it would be... at least got people say not bad. only everyone timing wrong. but i still think it almost totally screwed up. cuz i didnt get to do any breaking!!! sian lar. all i did was that LOSER freeze aka the amateur baby freeze. KNS lar. that freeze sucks ass sia. kns kns kns. couldnt do a headstand. couldnt do a pike freeze. couldnt the handstand twist(i think only 2D de ren know.). kns kns kns. sucks....

anyway, the end le. no couple dancing. nxt up: talenttime. wootz. me, Qin, Jos and either MC or Jave going to go for talenttime. by then our breaking confirm better like siao. so we going to stun the whole of AHS. wootz. and it will also be confirm better than our show and tell dance. YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! lol.

anyway, pulled my hamstring on thursday. dun wan to elaborate. go KKH blog to find out. but i can breakdance. i cant PK. KNS KNS KNS. so boring sia. now i know wad is life without breaking. xP. this sucks. going to be out for 1 week. cant even sit properly know sia. kns. anyway, this is a good thing for Jos, Qin and maybe MC and Jave. cuz now that i cant breakdance and they can, they can try to beat me in breaking. im serious. but maybe its cuz they not as enthu towards breaking than me. but who cares. still the best. LOL. serious...

k le. need to go for bass guitar lesson le. cant post le. bb.

bboy BY

Friday, March 23, 2007

hey. 4 days since i last post le. and so far all my post are all vid posts. XD anyway, this week has been quite busy ba. on tuesday, we do the show and tell rehearsal. crap sia. so messy lar. some part we dont even know lar. and Lihui say that i got stage fright. she say i like going to drop her. but its not lar. if i carry higher that means that she will get closer to me and it will look wrong. XD lol. u know what i mean... anyway, tml got prac so hopefully we finish the dance. cuz its like on next tuesday. die liao ar. public embarrassment. haiz...

k. den wednesdady, nothing really happened. juz that i got tuition. den dunno liao... thursday, Jave, MC and KKH come my house. den me and MC and Jave do the stuffings. our home ec. den realise that MC everything also cannot eat de. sad... and realise that Jave really know how to make the stuffings. damn nice sia. XD

anyway, we also invented a new sport. called backball. got four people. den one end start the ball. pass to next person.next person have to face the 1st person den pass it backwards towards the 3rd person. den the 3rd person have to do what the 2nd person did and pass to the last guy. the last guy have to hit back to the 3rd person. den 3rd person have to turn around fast enough to hit it to the 2nd person. so it continues round after round. so far the most round we complete only 4. but already very good le. is NOT easy at all. cuz got a lot of obstacles. like table, computer, bookshelf and other stuff. some more my room not totally levelled de. so got to hit downwards cuz the ceiling oso not levelled de.

anyway, now today. got nth leh. so the end le. anyway, i realise something. im pathetic at breakdancing. seriously PATHETIC. 1st an 60 year old man beat me. den a 5 year old kid. wa. den now got a handicapped person beat me. knn ar. anyway, here's the handicapped person. (i think he's as strong as Junior)

bboy BY

Monday, March 19, 2007

hey. juz some more vids. XD

1st. Battle of the year 2006 All-Stars performance

2nd. Battle of the year 2006 Mortal Kombat performance

3. 5 year old kid breakdancing (00:57 left he do no leg pumping)

k le. nth to say le. juz that the kid is take drugs de. jkjk. XD (not fair sia...)

bboy BY

Sunday, March 18, 2007

yoz. guys. juz wanted to post a few vids. so dis is going to be the video post. XD

1st. ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.

next, darth vader vs Jap police.

lastly, hard gay and social iprovement.

all quite funny rite. haha. XD. anyway, today, Deon, Zhuyun and Mel came my house to do ACC project. then do some medicine thing. damn crap. anyway, Deon and me play with the ball. MC and Jave should know what it is. haha. den did some crap training thing. we throw the ball from one end of my room to the other. then whoever throw badly or never catch, have to do something with the 4kg+4kg dumbells. juz some crappy shit we did.

anyway, juz thought of something. everyone knows that we should look on the brighter side of life so we would have a better attitude towards life and all. but if we look on the brighter side of life, our attitude towards studies and work would be worse.

for example, i juz showed my parents my result slip. and i realised that my science and english were up to my expectations and that my maths could definetely improve. so i left with geog. so all i need to do is work on my geog and everything will be according to my expectations. so this is looking on the bright side of life. but the prob is that once everything is according to my expectations, i wont try to improve. so that would be bad. but if i continue looking on the bright side of life, my attitude would change as i would be a happier person and things would seem smoother to me. so i wont be so AP.

but if i dont look on the brighter side of life, my attitude would get worse and everyone would hate me and i would suck and blah blah blah. but my studies would get better as i would never be satisfied with anything. so everything would be the opposite of if i look on the brighter side of life. so.... haiz. i dont really know what to do. cuz if my studies get worse, i wont dare to tell my parents my results. so i'd sorta live a 'lie'. haiz............

anyway, better do my geog article le. bb.

bboy BY

Friday, March 16, 2007

hey. yoz... actually i dont really know what to post about leh. cuz i juz wanted to keep my blog alive. xP.

anyway, i've officially jumped from 2nd storey 4 times le. and 3 times is in school de. xP. haha. 1st time is the one at Qin house there. den 2nd one was on Saturday when i jumped with Deon. 3rd time and 4th time was on the same day and the time difference between the 2 jumps were about 15 minutes. haha. actually i wanted to jump with YH de. but he dont dare. so i proof to him that wont die de. so i jumped. 1st time. den after that YH still dont dare. den i say that after i jump he muz immediately jump after me. so, i jumped. 2nd jump. den YH still dun dare leh. WALAO eh... so 5 minutes later, i juz left cuz i already late for y tuition. dammit sia. haiz...

anyway, need to go liao. bb.

bboy BY

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

yoz. 1st thing 1st. me and Lihui. everything is OK le. ok? so dont crap about this le. ok? how we patch up, is not for you to know... XD

ok. so... hmmmm... actually dont really know what to post leh... err... o yar. my sis frens coming over l8r. so can finally play my xbox. wootz. lol.

anyway, i'll show you guys a vid again. this time, its Junior. he was in the Reb Bull BC One 2005 contest by the way. one highlight is that there will be a guy doing push ups without his legs on the ground. siao rite. so watch. and ENJOY.


bboy BY

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Public Apologies

juz woke up. thought about the Lihui thing. and decided to make 2 public apologies in this post. so, here goes.
1st one to Lihui(if you ain't Lihui, you dont have to read it):

heyz... 1st thing 1st. SORRY. i mean it. really. i know you are like damn damn damn buay song and angry with me. i've deleted the posts le. sorry lar. anyway, in case got too many tags in my tagboard, heres my replys to your tags.

1st: [is ALL Deon, KH and some other ppl say de. and the sorry is that i noe i got wrong but dosent mean that u got no wrong de]
k. firstly, is Deon, KH and Mel say that you like me. NOT i say de. and i DONT agree with them. when they were like saying that you like me, i was like "very funny hor. har har har.(sacarstic)". you can ask them. i even wrote it in my tags. ok. so point is that i NEVER thought you like me. k? sorry.
secondly, when i said sorry on Saturday, it was cuz i noe you were AP-ing me. so to get you to come(dun xiang3 wai1. i want is cuz i scared i have to dance with yvonne), i had to say sorry. thats one reason. but the other reason is cuz i knew its cuz i AP you back. thats why we got into a 'leng3 zhan4'. so i said sorry. k? get it? sorry.

2nd: [i only said sorry cuz u were like sooooooooooo pissed with me lar. n after u AP me in the geog room, u nvr say anything to me until the "benedict sucker" part]
k. see, i explained it out to you. so i explain to you 2 times le. k? sorry.

3rd: [and if you want to read my post, read CAREFULLY. i NEVER said anything about me thinking that u like me. im the 1 whos denying all this shit.]
k. i started getting a bit more pissed here. xP. but its true. pleeease read carefully 1st. dont jump to conclusions like wad Michaela said. dont accuse me of what i didnt do. k? sorry.

4th: [and if you want to read my post. oso read the other tags lar. wads ur prob sia. and FYI, i will never AP any1 unless they tok crap or kao4 bei3 me. or i purposely use my bankai.]
k. i mean that you storta started this shit. cuz i will never AP anyone for no reason. k? and i noe i made things worse by writing it in my post. but i was juz too buay song with you then. so SORRY. sorry.

5th: [or you buay song or kao4 bei3 any of my bruther. den i will AP you until u can die. so juz shuddup and think b4 u tok all this SH*T and CR*P.]
k.. im juz adding on to my last tag. and sorry if i offended or wdv. SORRY. k? sorry.

6th: [and for the LAST time, i DONT think that you like me. damn you.... why muz you always kao4 bei3 me?!?!?!?!?!?! wad did i ever do?!?!?!?!?!?!]
k. juz making sure you get my point. k? and if can, please answer my question. sorry.

7th: [THE END]
k. THE END. sorry.

k. i've explained evrything i've said. so hopefully you understand and dont jump to conclusions. sorry. SORRY. SORRY. SORRY.

/\THE END/\(sorry)

k. so that was my public apology to Lihui. k. next is for everyone who came to my blog and read and said about my post.


ok. main point is to tell you guys to pleeeeeeeease pleeeeeeeeeease pleeeeeeease dont say this shit out. and especially DONT spread this bullshit rumours. k? anyway, this isnt really an apology lar. cuz i dunno what i did wrong towards you guys... so juz telling you guys not to crap about this shit. and if you do you WILL kena my BANKAI.

ok. actually, i juz want to warn you guys only. k. nth else.


k. finished my apology and warning. k. so nth else to crap about. bb.

bboy BY

Saturday, March 03, 2007

yoz guys. got xin1 qing2 to post again. wootz. anyway, its cuz i want to show u guys another breakdancing clip XD. this time, its a Red Bull BC One 2005 competition. all the best breakdancers in each of their different countries go for this competition to compete against the best in the world. there will be an intro of the competitors but the video wont show all. only the quater-finals, semi-finals, third-fourth final and the Final. i've watched this video about 4 times le. watch this cuz you wont regret it de. even though its 25 mins. xP. anyway, enjoy. XD

k. pro rite. LILOU rocks sia. haha. damn flexible sia. anyway, gotta go back to trying new breakdancing moves. adios. xP. pai seh for having to leave so early. but breakdancing is my number one piority(read my March 2nd post). and one last thing. if any of you are wondering why im not watching Liverpool vs ManU, its cuz of my interest in soccer has dropped a lot(read my March 2nd post). anyway, bb.

bboy BY

Friday, March 02, 2007

yoz guys. sorry soooo long never post le. xP. pai seh... anw, i really no time and no xin1 qing2 to post de. but after i went to KH's blog after sooooo long, i realise he is everyday post de. but im like every week post once. damn pathetic lar.

anyway, i've gone breakdancing crazy. cuz after KH's fall, Free4all hasent gone PK since. and its not cuz of KH's fall but cuz no time and other stuff. anyway, overall i MAY BE the best in the class(note:may be) cuz the other real(means that is better than the rest of the class) breakdancers in the class all got their own speciality but they cant really do all. for Jave, he is definitely the best in handstands. for Jos, he is...... err..... i dun really noe leh... lol. sorry to Jos but i really dunno... xP anyway, for Qin, he is average for all de. his handstand is OK, his freeze is OK. but for me, i definitely best in freezes and my handstand is OK, not say the very good but also not say very bad. it may seem that Jave can also be the best but his freezes are worse than Qin's. so...

anyway, my interest is(upon 10) PK-ing: 8, Breakdancing: 9, Beatboxing: 6, Studies: 5/4, Soccer: 6/5. so now my main piority is breakdancing. wootz. breakdancing rocks.

anyway, its so weird that after just 2 months, my interest in soccer drop from 9/10 to 6 or 5/10. maybe its cuz of Mr Chua when he said that must wear P.E. shirt and pants den can play soccer. or maybe its cuz PK-inng came into my life. either way, i have very little interest for soccer le. sorry to Adriel, Deon, Jeremie and whoever who only play soccer with me. i will be playing soccer much much much lesser than last year.

anyway, my best move for breakdancing is air baby. sucks. i noe. but im still an amatuer lar. i started this year leh. the only thing i knew was a baby freeze at the start of the year. pathetic right. anyway, this year, i've improvised the baby freeze to the shoulder drop baby freeze and other crappy kinds of baby freeze that i tried out. and im officially calling the improvised version of the starting move of windmill the scorpian. lol. cuz it really looks like a scorpian with the sting and all.

the scorpian is one hand underneath your guts. and the other hand to balance. your legs are suppose to go up both bent and your head goes low but does not touch the ground. from there improvise to any other breakdancing step like windmill or flare or armchair. the scorpian may seem easy but keeping your legs up is not easy for amatuers like me. i never actually trained my stomach muscle de. only when occasionally when i do 100 sit-ups, and occasionally means every month once. lol. and making sure your head does not touch the ground is not easy cuz if ur head goes down, you might as well do the starting windmill step.

so. i 'created' my own step. lol. juz some crap. anyway, air baby is not really easy. its definitely harder than the scorpian. cuz you have to start from a 'frogger'(another crap invention. this time by Qin) position to do it. the real air baby is not suppose to touch your head on the ground but its not easy lar. but anyway, i just managed to do a perfect airbaby today. wootz.

anyway, i have to cheorograph the guys moves in the 2nd chorus in the show and tell dance. sian lar. damn difficult to think up any move lar. cuz i only noe breakdance moves. lol. actually suppose to be all the male dancers but the rest like dun wan do lor. sian lar. left me to do. but anyway, i going Char hse tml. KH oso going. wootz. so he can also help me think. lol.

anyway, one last clip b4 i go. dis is volume 2 of the 1st blowup clip in my blog. blowup, by the way, is one hand handstands.

k le. bb.

bboy BY