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im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
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style before power

Saturday, February 24, 2007

yoz. 5 days never post le. pai seh... anyway, so many things have been happening. haiz... some good some bad. firstly, since Qin and KH has posted about KH's fall(most of you guys should know le, unless you're a lagger), i'll post about it too. but mine will be more detailed ba. and i'll say my side of the story.

it was on CNY celebration day, Wednesday. me, Qin, Jave, Jos and YH went to tampines mall to eat and play arcade(there were some more people there but i dont want to say). at about 1.30, we left to Qin's house. den there, (i'll just take this from Qin's blog cuz i dont noe how to say)

[ kaihong act pro den run and fell]

now my side of the story. i was roughly 3 metres in front of KH when he fell. i was looking at KH. he fell. his legs hit the ground 1st. den his head. i immediately ran towards him. he just lay there not moving. i called him. but he just look past me(something like into looking into blank space) and his mouth was open(i was the only one to see this). walao. at that time, i was totally freaked out lar. it was almost like he had died(touch wood). damn scary. den, (in 'position')YH, Qin, Jave and Jos ran towards KH. we fu2 KH to the shade. he lie there. then got 1 malay couple saw us and told us that muz we call ambulance. so we called. then after 1 min, we realised that KH had forgotten that he had actually fell. we freaked out even more.

den soon, the ambulance came. Qin went with into the ambulance. me, YH, Jave and Jos ran to white sands the taxi stand, took a taxi and cheong to Changi General Hospital(CGH). throughout the entire journey, all of us were damn damn damn damn damn jin3 zhang1 lar. when we reach CGH, we cheong into the AnE. but only 2 people can go inside. so me, Jave and Jos wait outside. inside, KH got an X-ray. but we couldnt see it cuz wo3 men2 zhi3 shi4 KH de bruther. so we have to wait for KH's mum.

after like 2-3 hrs, KH mum and bro came. den still have to wait cuz the CGH people forgot about KH. damn them lor. anyway, when we went to KH's ward, we finally saw him and the doctor say that KH was stable and it was just a concussion nothing more serious than that. we were all like 'HENG ar'. anyway, KH still couldnt remember anything. den we told him le den he remember roughly le. heng lor. anyway, we were damn sian during the 6 hr wait. so we played with the heat sensor at the AnE. LOL. YH go in then look at the screen and saw the amount of heat each of us had. haha. Jave was the hottest. haha.

anyway, we learnt something that day. 1; dont be gei2 kiang3. i dont really know how to explain this lar. but if you really want to know, den come and ask me personally. and i wont tell you if you are nothing to KH and me. xP

2; there are really good samaritians in Singapore. if the malay couple had not come, we wouldnt even know what to do with KH lar. they were really like the good samaritian in the parable that Jesus had told. it was so real lar. KH should really thank them lor. ask Jave for their number.

anyway, that was my side of the 'KH falldown, go hospital' story. go Qin or KH or even Jos(even though he just wrote [it was only the beginning when everything just ended...]) de blog to see a different side of the story. or you can ask anyone of us. but we may not tell you. xP

k. next thing. hmmmmmm.... o yar. yesterday, when we went to school for the show and tell dance practice, i tried my handstand again after almost 2 weeks+++. and i cant believe i can still do a handstand for 2 seconds. even though its not perfect, im still damn shocked that i can even bring my legs so high lar. i mean its been 2 weeks without even trying it. cuz i was training my freeze. o yar. my freeze. not much difference leh. sian lar. but still the best in the class. wootz. anyway, the dance chorus, the guys got to cheorograph for the guys. cuz the guys got nothing to do. then we dont know what to do so we only think of freeze cuz we cant do freestyle or hip hop cuz the guys arent the main part so we are something like the border so freeze is best le. sian lor. so difficult for us to cheorograph. haiz...

anyway, i pissed Lihui off again. haiz. we do the photo den she say i like not enthu enough, everything oso dun want to do de. but i only like that cuz she oso walao this walao that. so im so confusesd lor. CRAP lar. when is my attitude going to change?! sian lor.... anyway, i realised that the only day when i dun quarrel with Lihui is Sunday. even on Saturday when we got dance prac, we still HAVE to quarrel. haiz. whats wrong?! i dun get it lor. anyway, i jue2 ding4 starting from today, my attitude MUST change le. no matter what.

anyway, dont think about that. hmmmmm. o yar. wo3 men2 bruther(me, KH, Qin, Jos, Jave and Kai Liang) all got zi4 zi3 de nickname le. me:AP monkey, KH:hamster face, Qin:green turtle, Jos:bangla-dash, Jave:mountain boy, Kai Liang:--- crap i 4got Kai Liang de le. pai seh Kai Liang. anyway, the reasons. me:cuz im AP and i the best climber and i've jumped from 2nd storey and nobody else has done that thats why got the monkey. KH:simple. cuz his face like hamster like that. Qin:cuz his name sound like green turtle. actuallly i not very sure with Qin's nickname cuz is Jave give de. Jos:cuz Adriel call him bangla last week and it stuck. lol. and the dash come from his vaulting and vaulting is the main thing in freerunning. Jave:cuz his hair like mountain. haha.

LOL. all our nickname damn weird but all got relevance to us. haha. anyway, another good thing. the maid going to my uncle house cuz my mother cant tahan her fussiness. lol. haha. but as a result, my grandfather oso going. no comments on that. xP. finally i got privacy le. wootz.

k le. i think nothing else to post about le. except that i feel demn bad for not going out with my LG for dinner last night cuz i thought i going to tm. in the end never go. damn lar. o yar. and i beat Qin 2 times out of 3 in Initial D. haha. and he use manual i use auto. haha. i know how to drift in Initial D le. wootz. haha. k. nothing else le. bb. and my attitude CONFIRM change this week de. =D

bboy BY

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

yoz. gottat say this another time. sorry for all the vulgarities in my last post. but anw, i still havent gotten over it yet. haiz... but im gettin pissed off with something else. my com. walao eh lar. damn sucks sia. in december buy den now the speaker got problem. wtf lar. crappy shit. den now i download all the music for no reason de. CRAP lar. dis sux...

SHIT lar. my mum juz came into my room and say that i have to go for tuition tml. wtf lar. now i cannot go see mrs yah le. WTF lar!!!!!!!!! walao eh!!! my day couldnt get any worse sia. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! im trying not to say that word out sia. DAMMIT nia!!!!!!! WHAT THE F-......HELL!!!!!!!! shit lar. now i no xin1 qing2 to post le. CRAP IT LAR!!!!!!! my post keep on getting shorter sia. CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!!!!!! 1 last warning to everyone who's goin to meet me. im goin to be mega pissed and u will be AP-ed. u have been BLOODY warned(even though i dont think any one will be f-ing reading this SHIT now)

bboy BY

Monday, February 19, 2007


CRAP! im feeling damn uncomfortable and buay song sia. so weird when there's someone else in the house. and its not my relatives. juz got another maid after the last 1. DAMN this SUCKS. the 1st time was horrible. now its getting SHITTY. its so bloody weird lar. i never liked having a maid. so extra. the last time i got a maid was for my grandfather. den after got some stupid stuff that happened, she kena fired. den now cuz my father got to go back to work le. so need a maid again. WTF lar!!! this sux lar. but what can i do?! NOTHING. SHIT sia. now everytime i go inside the kitchen i feel weird. FU-. shit sia. almost. DAMMIT!!! this sux. now bo3 bian3 le. got to live with someone i have never known in my entire life until now. haiz... this sux... anw, i've never had a maid until damn late last year. so sudden change of lifestyle. i hate it lar. never had such a weird feeling until we got a maid. DAMN. DAMN. DAMN. i HATE this. i'll never ever employ a maid for the rest of my life. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN. CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP. FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK FREAK. i gotta rant out all this SHIT here cuz i gotta say it out but i cant say it to my parents cuz whats the use?! anw, sorry for all the vulgarities. and btw, im paranoid to maids. its NOT cuz of the movie(i didnt even watch it). DAMN!

bboy BY

Sunday, February 18, 2007

new skin juz in

yoz... 1st time i post within a day after so long le. haha. anyway, i changed my blogskin!!! wootz... haha. nice a not? the pic i do de. den the rest is ask my sis de. xP. pai seh lar. i noe i suck at html. so hav to ask my sis. and i noe the pic too big le. cuz i estimate not as good as KH. but anyway, dis is still my 1st time doing a blogskin leh. so im still proud of it. haha. anyway, i post cuz of my new skin so nothing else to post abt le. bb.

bboy BY

Seether and Avenged Sevenfold

yoz... my posts are finally becoming regular. wootz. anyway, i wanted to post because of 2 bands: Seether and Avenged Sevenfold. both bands play heavy metal core songs. i actually wanted to put some of the songs in here but got file error so bo3 bian3, cannot let you guys listen:( o yar. i just remembered, today is CNY. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! this is to all of my friends who i didnt say it to. actually, i didnt send anyone 'happy cny' except those who sent me. lol. pai seh lar. my sms going to bao le. xP

anyway, back to the bands. Seether - actually, my cousin have the CD early last year le, but i didnt give a damn about it until now when i start to appreciate metal. XD lol. i realise that got a lot of nice songs de. like 'because of me', 'truth', and 'world falls away'. all damn nice de. XD

Avenged Sevenfold - thanks to JoS for Unholy Confessions. haha. rocks sia. so many song so nice sia. like 'chapter four', 'darkness surroundings' and 'i wont see you tonight'. all got damn nice guitar solos. Avenged Sevenfold's guitar players ROCK sia. damn PRO. esp 'i wont see you tonight', the whole song more than 10 mins. but i only have the part 1 sia. and its already 8+ mins. siao rite...

anyway, i dunno wad to write about le. bb. o yar. n i oso most likely changing my blogskin today. :)

bboy BY

Friday, February 16, 2007

Finally see my primary school frens again!!!

yoz... 1st time i post within less than a week. XD. anw, i wanted to mah. yesterday go back primary school. wah. see so many old friends after sooo long lar. almost 1 year nvr see le. now dey soo tall le lar. crap. i feel so short... no offence to people much shorter than me. xP. Jun Hui and Marcus almost my height le. crap lar. last time marcus so short de. now suddenly so tall. crap crap crap. but in the end, they still shorter than me. haha. XD

anw, i also met April. lol. she change sooooo much lar. i didnt even recognise her at 1st. look so different nia. dunno what changed so much. maybe its her specs. or her hair? dunno leh. juz look different. and she damn ang moh lar. she say chinese until damn weird lar. haha. but i dun care about that lar. to me the weird thing is that i was talking to her so.... err.... smooth? dunno lar. zong zhi, we talking as if were very good frens lar. so weird... i same class with her from p2 - p4. we rarely even talk lar. den p5/p6 change class. all the more we nvr talk. so suddenly now we talk until like that. wow. weird.

but i think my memory also quite bad ba. cuz when she and Jiehui talk like they were best frens their whole life, i was quite shocked leh. lol. cuz p5/p6 they different class so nvr really talk. or maybe is i nvr see them talk. ??? dunno lar. but anw, my memory only last until there. cuz i forgot that they were best frens in p2/p3/p4. i think i really got short term memory. XD. but anw, thats not why i wanted to post today.

actually, while me, CK, Jiehui and April were talking, Salihim(pai seh.dunno how to spell) was following us(actually it was April.but we didnt noe at 1st.xP) all the way. at 1st we didnt give a damn. den when we at b-ball court, he still with us for like 20 mins. den CK ask why he follow us(he say to us not Salihin) den nobody ren4 shi4 ta1. lol. only thing is that April was in the same group with him during the p5 camp. anw, we wanted him to go away. so we juz walk. walk. walk. but he still follow. crap lar. den got 1 'T-junction' me and CK go right. April and Jiehui go left. den when we reach back b-ball court. we realise that he didnt follow anyone. lol. me and CK juz walk and nvr look back so we dunno what happen to him. April say he see us go different direction den juz stand there. lol? den Jiehui say muz go back there juz in case he get lost(cuz he a bit bai2 chi1.xP.)anw, we still dunno who he following mah. so we go back. but halfway there he suddenly appear. lol. den we dunno wad to do. sit there like bai2 chi1.

anw, after a while CK say we fake play catching. so that see who Salihin follow. but CK say so fast. and suddenly he juz say i catcher den run away with the girls. walao. den i juz stand there cuz i got zi4 zun4 xin1 de. if i run, i will feel like a bloody idiot. so i juz stand there. at least i dun get public embarrasment if i juz stand there. XD. anw, we realise Salihin was following April. haha. crappy shit. so we found out. but we dunno what to do leh. we tot after a while Salihin will juz go away buthe still follow us. so we wanted to send April home so that all this shit will stop. so we juz send her back. but he still follow. 'luckily' his house was before reaching April's house. so he juz say he go back home. den we all heng ar. finally sia. n he still say:"April, i will never forget you." LOL LOL LOL. wtf lar. is he blind?!(no offence to April.XD)walao. damn rou4 mah3 sia.

anw, when we under her block, she take the lift to 2nd storey. lol. anw, by then left me, CK, Jiehui and Vin. we look back and saw Salihin coming towards us. wtf!!! i think is he from far want to see where April live. lol. anw, we rush up to the 2nd storey. lol. den we got to keep bending down. LOL. cannot let him see where we going. LOL LOL. anw, April manage to get into her house without Salihin knowing. finally sia. haiz... anw, we went to white sands and didnt see Salihin again. lol. weird.

anw, after that i went home, bathe, go my cousin house for reunion dinner, den i come home le. so thats my day. (: anw, CNY is tml. i can smell the money... haha. jkjk. anw, wednesday dont need wear school uniform to school. YESSS!!! but cannot wear black... SHIT. but despite all the CNY commotion, i can only think about PK and breakdancing.

i realised smth yesterday. PK trains the mind and breakdancing trains my strength. PK - not much strength is really needed. its juz whether you dare to do it a not. breakdancing - trains arm strength and stomach muscle. juz a simple freeze strains the muscles. all in all, the most important is technique for both PK and breakdancing. (: i am still trying to do a perfect freeze in the way Jos said it shld be(freeze muz have only 1 hand on the ground,if not its considered a handstand)even six steps is not as easy. its all about the technique. hopefully i'll master freezes. its gonna be sooo cool:) anw, here's a vid of a lot of pro freezes. and you'll understand why its sooo bloody difficult to do a freeze. XD

bboy BY

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


YO. sian lar. i really very long never post le leh. i think my post will become weekly ba. sorry. anw, other than the fact that my posts are going to be weekly, my week has been great so far. i feel so satisfied with myself sia. xP.

1st day: Monday. after school suppose to practise dance de. but in the end becuz of SOME ppl, the practise was cancelled. and charmaine was soooo pissed.(dun deny it maine. you noe u were pissed.) anw, me, Jos, Javier and Qin went to Qin's house.(weird phrasing but who cares...) anw, went we were walking there, we saw a wall and there was a hole at abt 3/4 storey up. there was a railing there so that people wont jump from there.(obviously)

anw, i juz drop my bag and ran towards the wall. 1 step on the wall den i reach for the railing. but i grabbed the wall instead. den i try use my knee bring myself up.(i naturally do that.juz ask any Free4all-er.) but cannot lar. so slippery yet got friction.(irony.i dunno how to explain lar.)so i slip down and my knee kena abrasion. crap rite. haiz... but anw, i knew that if didnt climb up the wall, it wld b damn diu1 lian3. so i use my leg instead. take longer time but still managed in the end. haha. i rock! lol. den Jave and Jos try but both of them cannot. haha. so im really finally officially, undeniably the climbing pro. haha. anw, aft both of them try, i jump down from the top. no kick sia. lol.

anw, we go put our bag at Qin house den go see where got place to PK. Jos managed to monkey vaullt over a super super short wall.(its not easy at all.but Jos IS the vault pro aft all.)but anw, we go to a carpark where got shelter which is abt 3/4 storey. 1st i climb onto the shelter i look down den realised got some stupid thing very din dei. but in the end, i still jump. wheee... so fun sia. but the floor harder den i tot sia. xP. but Qin and Jos and Jave dun dare jump at 1st sia. pathetic... say need kai hong the guinea pig(he always jump 1st de) to jump den c he how. lameshit rite. but anw, soon aft tat, Jos jump so that Jave will jump. but Jave still dun jump leh. so Qin jump. whee... den finally aft i jump again, Jave finaly jump. wheeee.... finally sia.lol.

o yar. the most important thing happend between Jos jump and Qin jump. aft Jos jump, he go sit on the railing which we climb over to get to the shelter. and i was on the 3rd storey of the carpark.(its the higher side not the opposite side)and i sit on the floor of the 3rd storey, it was higher den Jos sit on the railing. n Jos was already freaking out. i sat there, look down. wah!!! damn SCARY sia!!! but actually even though there was fear all over me, i knew i had to jump. i dunno why but i juz knew i wanted to. i look down at Qin below. wah. he so small sia. but anw, i count down from 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

i use my hand and push myself foreward. ahhhhhhh!!! i was going down super super fast lor. i could barely even think of anything sia. and when i finally tot, i was thinking: 'oh shit...' den i was shouting and screaming and saying 'PAIN! PAIN! PAIN!' lol. my glasses flew out sia. lol. and the pain was like from my leg go to my entire body. i wanted to lie on the grass but i didnt. even though i had felt the pain, i felt totally satisfied and happy lar. actually, what made me push myself down is actually the determination to beat KH so that he will stop kao4 bei3-ing us. lol.

the whole journey in my mind was such a roller coaster sia. 1st i had the determination, den i felt the confidence, den i couldnt think of anything, den i was thinking 'oh SHIT. oh SHIT.', finally i felt the satisfaction and happiness. lol. cool rite. lol. anw, aft i jump, Qin see that i jump from there, i survived so he juz run up to the shelter and jump. finally... lol. den Jave jump. lol.

aft tat, we juz went around PKing. actually got a vid of us PKing but the file type wrong le. nvm lor. anw, i noe how to do baby freeze le. yay. but still need to perfect it. i will soon. confirm de. lol. wow. wad a great 1st day eh. anw, 2nd nxt...

2nd day: Tuesday. science. gete our results back. so damn happy lar. 16/20 leh. A1. i actually expected myself to get 13 leh. lol. anw, i was so freaking happy lar. lol. anw, aft tat was p.e. we have to throw javelin. stupid shit lar. i mayb good at climbing and freezing. but javelin throwing... NO way sia. i throw that time, the back of the javelin hit behind my ear! lol? but i still walked back laughing. lol. i mean nobody is perfect. lol. anw, aft tat i try again. did much better sia. but i have to bend down so that the javelin wont hit me. lol. so weird lar. i throw and bend down. LOL.

anw, we play soccer nxt. Qin have the ball on my right. he pass to MG hu is on my left. MG shot high. i cheong towards him. and my right hand shoot up juz ion time to deflect the ball away. but only to MG again hu had ran to the ball immediately aft i deflected it away. now on my right, he shoot again. high again. and juz in time again, my right hand shoot up to deflect the ball out. wootz. pro rite. the time difference between the 2 saves were like 3 seconds lar. wootz. and some more the ball is high de. not like normally when i double save low de shot. double save low shot is nothing de. cuz i no need to react juz need to cheong foreward and the ball will hit me le. lol. so easy rite? only for me lar. lol. jkjk.

3rd day: Today. Valentine's Day. 1st things 1st. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! ok. i feel unwanted. lol. jkjk. so little presents lor. sian. and i dun even know who my angel is. haiz... im a lonely valentine. got 2 hugs only. 1st from Mingli. den from YH. lol. only Lihui, Char, Sheena, Deb, Vien, Sher and Mingli give me something sia. pathetic lar. and im NOT being sacar. anw, Qin is 1 lucky guy. he got a huge teddy bear from his 'gf'. lucky boy. Kia Meng. LOL. so guang1 ming2 zheng4 da4 giv roses to some girl who i dunno. PRO. so romantic sia... lol. anw, im still a lonely valentine... *sigh* sian...

wow. this 3 days i beat my own personal record 4 times. lol. look at my profile and compare. you'll understand. o yar. 4got to say. there is NO more 5dollars. we're changing our name to Free4all. cuz it sounds like freefall and free for all. i dun understand the 'free for all' part. lol. but who cares. at least it cooler. lol. Jos think of 4all and i add in the Free part. lol. k le. better stop le. bb. and DONT tell Ms Ng hor. or the whole Free4all die. please.

bboy BY

Thursday, February 08, 2007

HEY YO WASSUP!!!!!!!!! SORRY sooooooooooo long nvr post le. sorry. sooooorry. so many ppl want me post. but i really no xin1 qing2 to post mah. so sorry again. anw, to start my end of my long postless period, i'll start of with a video. its damn cool. its breakdancing and hip hop dancing to Canon played by some guzheng people, a DJ and a beatboxer. and their DAMN DAMN DAMN pro. so, ... ENJOY......

k. ermmmm.... i dunno what to post about leh. er.... o yar. i finally saw Jacob do a handstand. wow. best person i've known that can do such a long handstand sia. his body totally straight de lar. siao lar. dunno how he do de. haiz... wish i could do... i still muz move a bit den can do de leh. somemore also not perfect de. sian lar. so difficult. i juz cant move my legs up leh. sian lor. anw, i totally have NO idea how they dance to the music while doing a one-hand hand stand lar. damn siao lar.

anw, i dunno what to say le. bb. haiz... short post again. haiz...

bboy BY