come. read. tag. leave.

for FUN, unless you hate fun...

im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Longest dao-ing period so far.

hey. this has been the longest 'dao' period so far. hope it dosen't go longer than this. its been almost 1 week leh. wow. thats sooooooo long lar. sian lor. its not that i dont know what to post, but cuz i have no xin1 qing2 to post. so SORRY. anw, throughout the whole week, i have been quite busy with some stuff. (dun xiang3 wai) but im just going to post about some of the 'stuff'.

  1. 5dollars
  2. Me
  3. Show and Tell
  4. Home-Econ
  5. Counter-Strike

k. this are the contents of the 'stuff' im going to post about. so you guys dont have to read everything:) or you guys could read the summary at the end.


unless you guys have gone to KH blog and read his post, then you guys shld not know what i mean when i say 5dollars. im NOT talking about money. 5dollars is a group that KH started and its a PK group and PK is NOT pai kia. PK is parkour. its difficult to explain what parkour is but im still going to try.

PK is like when KH runs up the wall or when JoS vaults over railings or when I climb up walls MUCH higher than the 1 in school or when KH, Jos, Qin and me jump down from a shelter about 4/5 of a storey. get it? if you still dont, just go any search engine and search 'parkour', than you'll understand.

anw, enough talk more "walk". 5dollars consist of KH, JoS, Qin and me and 1 more person which i have no idea who it is. anw, on Sunday, when Jos, Qin and me go to KH house, we found our own speciality. like KH is walls and maybe jumping, JoS is vaults, me is climbing and Qin is about average for all.

when i say walls, i mean that KH runs up the wall, does a 'spider' on the wall, etc. when i say jumping, i dont mean that KH is the best at jumping, but more of that he is usually the 1st 1 to jump from a higher platform. when i say vaults, i mean JoS has a better knowledge of vaults like lazy, monkey, kong, dash, etc. and that he is the 1st 1 to actually try the vault.and when i say climbing, i DONT mean the wall in our fitness corner. (that wall is pathetic) i mean walls close to almost twice the height and walls that are smoother. and that when other people try it the 1st time and dont succeed, i succeed within my 1st try. and finally, when i say average for all, i mean that Qin can do all, but not like he is the best in one of them. *phew* understand?

so thats 5dollars. 1 thing we must improve on is to try our best NOT to get injuries. KH's shin kena, JoS's thigh kena, Qin's hand kena and my ankle kena. so thats smth we still got to improve on. k. the end for 5dollars.


this nxt topic is about ME. the main point is that i hate my character. im trying to change but its NOT easy. im getting too AP. yesterday, i just pissed off Lihui, Charmaine and Hui Lu. and i dont really have any idea why. lol? anw, still got to say smth. SORRY. forgive me?

anw, going to change my attitude le. you guys just have to tahan for a bit more. im going to be less chao2, less irritating, less hated and less ma2 fan3. k? sorry for all the trouble i caused. and i've already agreed to dancing to "Hey Juliet" for the couple dance le.

k. nothing to post about ME le. so, finally, SORRY again.

3.Show and Tell

show and tell. it ain't the lame thing that almost everybody did in primary school just for the info for any non-AHS de4 ren2. its smth the whole class does during assembly in front of the whole lower secs. anw, 2D is going to do 2 dances. 1 hip hop and 1 couple. the guys are cheorographing the hip hop and the girls are cheorographing the couple dance. its NOT going o be easy for me, Qin, Kai Liang and Jave. actually its cuz we were complaining that the moves Charmaine and Mel cheorographed was not 'nice' enough, not hip hop enough. anw, Qin wanted to do some PK in the dance. but confirm the teachers won't allow de. sian. but anw, Qin was just fantasizing. lol. but anw, its cuz of our complaining that pissed the girls off. so for ALL the guys, SORRY. is this enough?

k le. enough of the show and tell part. hopefully the dance would be a success. :)


actually, home-econ isn't very important. but i just feel like saying about it. lol.

YES! finally finish the product and NO to Sheena and Lihui, we're NOT doing sushi. its just something like sushi. anw, after a few weeks of lagging behind, me, Jave, MC and Matt finally do the home-econ properly. FINALLY!!! and we even invented our own sauce. pro eh. lol. and its NICE. first the customer will taste the tomato sauce, then he will taste the mayoneise(sry, dunno how to spell), then he will taste the wasabi, finally, he will taste all of the flavours at once. cool eh. we're pro lor. lol.

anw, k le. thats all that i have to say about home-econ.


actually, i stopped playing Counter-Strike(CS) last year. but after i went to MC house, i just started playing CS again, but its totally just for fun. but after i went with MC, Kai Liang and Qin to the LAN in Katong Shopping Centre, i realised that i wasn't as noob as i thought i was.(even though im still not considered pro) so anw, when we got time de4 shi2 hou4, we may go to eagle's nest to own everybody there. lol.

Kai Liang - awp. MC - Clarion/ak-47. Qin - Bullpup/Carbine. Me - Krieg 550/Carbine.

anw, i dont want to post about Counter-Strike le. so this brings me to the end of my end of my longest 'dao' period. so far, this is my longest post. lol. too much to write le. lol.


5dollars - PK group. KH - wall, jumping. JoS - vaults. me - climbing. Qin - average at eveything.

Me - im going to be less chao2, less irritating, less hated and less ma2 fan3. zong3 zhi1, im going to be less AP.

Show and Tell - 2 dances. 1 hip hop. 1 couple. boys cheorograph hip hop. girls cheorograph couple.

Home-Econ - finish product. not lagging behind everyone le. did our own sauce.

Counter-Strike - MC, Kai Liang, Qin and me form 1 team own everybody in eagle's nest.

K. finally finish this post. wow. this has been a long post. wootz. finally a post really considered to be a long post. anw, bb.

bboy BY

Sunday, January 21, 2007

will NOT continue about what Kwing said about KH

hey. 1st things 1st. i wanna sae sry to Kwing and DJ bcuz of my ji1-dong4-ness, me and Kwing got into an inter-blog 'fight' n i caused DJ more stress. so, SORRY. didnt think it wld become like that. anw, it was juz my opinion. mayb i was too harsh... so, im NOT goin to post about what Kwing said about KH juz in case it becomes deja vu... k. less about the Kwing thing. more about yesterday...

yestersay. 8.40 GMT +8. Anfield. kick off. Liverpool vs Chelsea. 1st match of the big 4 weekend clash. 4th min. Liverpool (Kuyt)1-0 Chelsea. 16th min. Liverpool (Pennant)2-0 Chelsea. 92nd min. GAME OVER. Final score. LIVERPOOL 2-0 chelsea. conclusion: chelsea SUCKS!!! haha. this also means that chelsea is lousier than Arsenal. chelsea = champions?! can vommit bloody shit sia!!! seriously, chelsea SUCKS like SHIT!!! no. even worse. whats worse than shit? hmmmm..... i noe, chelsea!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. n LIVERPOOL is the BEST club in the world!!! haha. getting a bit too high. lol. better not continue with this subject juz in case some chelsea fan come and walope me. :p

anw, in like 1 and a half hours from now will be ManU vs Arsenal. hopefully, its a goin to be a draw. so that Arsenal cant catch up with Liverpool and Liverpool has an easier chance of getting the title as the gap would be smaller.

k. gtg. but b4 that, i'll show u guys a Cheers Beer commercial. quite funny. Enjoy... n bb.

bboy BY

Friday, January 19, 2007

To:KH, Sher and Kar Wing. READ THIS

YO. juz read Kwing's (Kar Wing) latest post. its almost totally abt Sher and KH. n it ain't gd things abt them. anw, im gonna sae sumthing back to Kwing. "You act older than you are suppose to be." (you shld noe wad i mean...) anw, juz gonna sae wad I think of her post. here goes... F.Y.I. those phrases/sentances in [ ] means its quoted from Kwing's blog. n i'll mmost likely be referring the 'u' to Kwing.

1st up. Sher. [she can be nice sometimes] this is the onli thing that Kwing saed abt Sher tat was nice.(note the 'sometimes' in the quote. it REALLY IS SOMETIMES.) [shes just another one of those spoilt brats and flirts] k. abt dis phrase... hmmm... Kwing, u r almost TOTALLY WRONG. spoilt brats?! ok. tat is the TOTALLY WRONG part. spoilt brats?! (again) wtf lor. 'those spoilt brats and flirts'? any1 wld noe hu u're toking abt. (pam, jas etc.) n are dey spoilt brats?! NO! where the hell do u get dis? wad do u call a spoilt brat? sum1 hu likes having leng3-zhan4s n dao-ing guys? NO! dis is called flirt n trying to get attention from GUYS.(tats the almost part) juz bcuz u dun hang out wif them dosent mean tat u can juz jiang3 ta1 men2 de huai4 hua4 wad. oso, they r NOT the point. so y drag them in?! all u nid is to c their better side.(everyone has their own better side) n [maybe she finds joy in flirting]. ?! its as if u dun flirt lor. u shld noe hu im tokin abt.

k. im gettin a bit ji1 dong4 here. so i'll try to cool down...

continuing abt Sher... [i really dislike her attitude towards our class cleaniness IC, shiyong] its as if u nvr went to AHS last year lor. DO U NOE HU IS SHIYONG?!?!?!?! i dunno how to esplain dis, but Shiyong's the reason Vin got 5 demerit points. dun u get it?! he's juz like the Yvonne of 1A last year. get it? [hes just an enthu guy who worries about our class and really wants the class to excel]; [secretary also not in charge of notice board wad, den she also doing] havent u tot wad Sher was feelin at tat time? u could oso sae tat Sher OSO wans the class to excel n she IS in the class comm anw. there's nth wrong wif her contributing to the notice board. seriously, Kwing. think through b4 u rant ur shit. n btw, cleanliness i/c is NOT in the class comm. anw, if u think u're right, y dun u ask her to STFU?! think abt it...

wow. dis post already quite long liao. dun wan to bore u guys to death like KH's long posts... so i'll juz stop zai4 zhe4 bian1 n i'll continue tml or c which dae i feel like posting abt wad i think abt wad Kwing saed abt KH. it WUN be too long ba(hopefully). anw, gtg. PEACE OUT:)

bboy BY

Thursday, January 18, 2007


(read the title 1st. dun sae i didnt warn u. k. here goes.)

hey YO. 3 days since i last posted liao. is that considered long? anw, 2dae has been quite an eventful dae for sports. first, i wake up like 6.30. den jus lai4 chuang2 until like 7.00(cuz sch start at 8.50) den went to play soccer at the st soccer court wif Kai Liang, Qin, MC, Adriel n YH. suprisingly, Kai Liang was QUITE gd. he always shoot bottom corner. so difficult to save lor. but i oso dun really wan 2 dive. anw, we play until like 8.35 den we go sch. YH lucky mr. chua nvr zhua1 him. if nt he hav to do 20 down n sum more we all so tired liao cuz we run like siao until the last part.

anw, aft mornin assembly jiu4 shi4 p.e. liao. wah siao lor. we already so tired den still gt p.e. nia. crazy... we sum more gt to run up and down the slope n stairs n road. stupid slope so difficult bcuz its so steep n we're goin DOWN. so hard to move fast nia. den the stairs. nvm de. cuz everytime we play soccer always hav to chiong up de. so no big deal. den the road juz as steep as the slope but dis time we're goin UP. wah kao. juz as bad. but gd thing its shorter... n wads worse is tat when we running half-way den hav to do 20 down or 10 burpies. siao. but anw, aft all the runnin, we take height and weight. im officially 49kg heavy n 170cm tall. grow a bit taller but i lose weight. last time i officially measured, i was 162cm tall n 50kg. anw, all tat i hav saed was juz sum xtra info. nw cums the fun part......

aft the height n weight, we played captain ball. it was former 1C de ren vs the rest. n i was from 1C(duh) n we had lesser ppl. but it didnt matter. 1st, we let dem score 1. 0-1. (left side-1C'o6; right side-the rest) but aft tat, Qin started wif the ball. he thuder the ball to me. i gt the ball. shoot. score. 1-1. Lihui start wan 2 pass to dunno Wen Jie or Kai Liang. den dunno KH intercept the ball. pass to Qin. shoot. score. 2-1. aiya. very ma fan to sae everything nia. n i oso cant remember sum. so i'll juz sae a few of them.

KH hit the ball away from dunno Char or Shelley. he catch the ball behind the basketball court half-way line. den dunno Shelley or Char sae he out. den i sae dey b4 tat oso gt stand behind the half-way line. so dey sae play on. n since i gt the ball when i 'accused' them, i thunder the ball to MC(i think he was the catcher den). he gt the ball. score. 6-1. (sry but nt sure wad the score was den. too many goals liao. lol.) anw, aft tat, when the score was 11-1, dey scored. so nw, its 11-2. what a gap. lol. but anw, when it was 12-2 (i think), dey scored 2 in a row! AMAZING! lol. so 12-4. but aft tat, we demolish them. TOTALLY...

Deon (i think. or was it KH? ???) pass the ball to me. i was standing juz a few steps away from Lihui (she was their catcher den). i gt the n juz anyhow thunder the ball wif abt 60% of mi strength at Qin (he was the catcher den). at 1st, it was goin a bit too low n to the left of Qin. but luckily for me, Matt was their defender (no offence to Matt). he tried to hit the ball away but cuz mayb gt a bit of spin, the ball hit his hand n spin into Qin's hands. SCORE!!! from like 4/5 of the ENTIRE distance, i scored!!! lol. quite tyco but oso gt skill de. lol. aft tat, we keep on intercepting their passes n scoring. we were on a scoring spree. lol. roughly 3 in a row. dey gt the ball onli when dey restarted. lol. anw, aft tat, Mr Lim tell us gtg liao. so we sae 1 more goal. the ball actually managed to reach our half. but anw, KH gt the ball. KH to me. me to MC. MC to Deon. Deon to Mel. Mel to Qin. wad does dis mean? we scored... lol. final score 15-4.

wad is dis called? ownage? nah. trashing? not even close. its called TOTAL OWNAGE PLUS TOTAL TRASHING!!! lol. seriously. its as if 1C'o6 was the onli class tat played captain's ball b4. lol. jkjk. n i scored at least 4 goals. lol. wad does dis whole game mean? 1C'o6 ROCKS FOREVER!!!(esp in captain's ball. lol.) anw, i was juz thinking. if we had joined the captain's ball competition, we would hav trashed the other classes. but we chose soccer. but i dun think we would regret it cuz soccer's our passion but captain's ball is juz a sport we're gd at. ironic huh. lol. but dis yr may consider to join captain's ball. but unlikely lar.

anw, the rest of the dae went on like usual. nth much to talk abt except tat im SERIOUSLY wondering y Lihui, Sheena, Deon, Qin, Javier, KH, Yuan Zhao and even YH is saeing tat i like Tingen(Deon, Qin, KH, Yuan Zhao and YH) or tat Tingen like me(Lihui and Sheena). update me ppl. i DUN gt it. Lihui saed tat everything tat Tingen sae concerns me and Javier saed tat da3(ma4) shi4 ai4 or sumthing like tat. n im like ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! wtf lar! crappy shit. im sooo hating rumours tat r abt me n r soooooo nt true de. their soooo irritating. esp YH, Qin and Deon. cuz dey will like bo3 dai3 bo3 ji3 suddenly sae like "eh eh" or sumthing like tat when dey c Tingen n im wif them. dey r SOOOOOOO irritating de lor. at least Lihui n Sheena n KH dun anyhow tok crap guang1-min2-zheng4-da4-ly. YH, Qin n Deon nid a concillor(dunno hw to spell). lol. jkjk.

wow. dis has REALLY been a damn long post. dun blame you for not reading until dis part(cuz i oso dun read long posts). lol. mi hand oso damn tired of typing sooo much.

err...k. gtg. bb. n 1C'o6 will ROCK FOREVER. n so will 6/1'o5. o yar. n 2D'o7 too...


bboy BY

Monday, January 15, 2007

finally got an ELECTRIC GUITAR

YO! im still damn happy that i FINALLY got an electric guitar. after like 5-6 months of asking, my parents finally bought me an ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! and i TOTALLY luv the distortion. its sooo....... err.... wads the word? COOL!!! but kind of noisy... LOL. i think if Kar Wing reads dis, she would b be like "so? ..." cuz she has 3 electric guitars. anw, i'll most probably put up a picture of mi electric guitar. IT ROCKS!!! still quite HIGH...

change topic... i realised that even if i use the com during weekends, i still have no xin1 qing2 to write a post. but yesterdae i didnt hav the time to post anw cuz i was PLAYING MY ELECTRIC GUITAR... sorry. still quite HIGH... lol.

o SHIT!!! already 11pm liao. gtg.(dis sux. mi post all sooo short de lor. SIAN). BB.

bboy BY

Thursday, January 11, 2007


hey. for 2dae, im juz gonna write a reeeeally short post onli gt dis video/game. is Kai Liang send me de. if u watch dis n nobody tell u anything abt it, u confirm xia4 dao until like Kai Liang(he fall off his chair). so im telling u guys now. dis IS SCARY. n dun listen to anything when u play dis(got more effect). k. bye. ENJOY.

Get the code at www.winterrowd.com

bboy BY

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

sorry for the 'dao period'

HEY. sry for the 5 days straight of no posting. sry again. anw, dis will be the 1st time that 1 of my real post does not have a youtube video. lol. n im officially changing my tag board name to 'treasurer'. k. err. actually nth much to post abt accept that there have been REEEEALLY WEIRD stuff that happened at home(oso quite eerie). seriouly its DAMN wierd. but not going to talk cuz to complicated liao (just like some of kh's theories).

err... nth else much accept that every1 (except ZHU JIA SHENG) pay up class fund le. very guai leh dis class. lols. 2D'o7 ROCKS FOREVER!(so does 1C'o6)(6/1'o5 too) k. tats all ba. err... bb.

bboy BY

Friday, January 05, 2007

hey.another guitar solo. sry but i dunno wad else to put in. dis time its some solo called 'eruption'.

k. 2dae i officially started my treasurer duties. "All 2D de ren2 MUZ bring $5 on monday($2 for class fund, $3 for CD materials)." so far only Kai Liang pay. gd boy. lol. anw, Deon is such an a**h*l*. he oso treasurer but he nvr do anything de lor, everything oso I have to do. Deon is such a LOSER.

anw, sumthing quite weird happened 2dae. our relief science teacher b4 reccess cum into class wif both long and short at the same time(the outer part of her hair is short but its long in the inside part). WEIRD. but tats not the weird par. cuz when reccess goin to end de shi2 hou4, she came to our class 4 dunno wad. but dis time all her hair became as short as the outer part of her hair at 1st. she muz hav cut her hair during reccess or wad EVERYBODY saw at 1st was an optical illusion(PRO). lol. she cum back le, everybody sooo shock lor. haha.

k le. 4 the whole day, not much happened. except tat thx to SHENG YONG and YAN HAO and a bit from DEON(lol. ironic. haha.), i think i did not do too badly for 2dae chinese ce4 yan4. so, thx again. k. gtg. bb.
*nothing is impossible. expect the unexpected.*

bboy BY

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Reply to the LATEST tags

hey. dis post is goin to b a quick 1 cuz im onli goin to ans the latest tags.

-pam- : thx. k. thx. nvr tot u would admit it. lol. but nvm. apology accepted.


Charrrr... : hi. i noe. haha?

NICOLA : hello. HAPPY NEW YEAR? u quite lag leh now already 4th Jan leh.

k. tats all. bye.
*nothing is impossible.expect the unexpected.*

bboy BY

hey. another video for u guys. dis time its Canon played using an electric guitar. not bad quite nice. enjoy.

k. 2dae we met almost all the teachers liao. 1st suppose to b mr lim teach uus p.e. but dunno y nvr cum. so run le abt 15 mins(suppose to b 10 mins, but hui lu dunno hw to read time de), den wan to play soccer but mr chua n dunno wad class occupy the st soccer court, so onli until recess den we can play soccer. den SEL. damn slack, man. mr tong cum suppose to teach de, but nobody bring the file so cant do. den we zi4 wo3 jie4 shao4. all the gurls all zi4 high for no reason. den we juz talk.

aft tat jiu4 shi english liao. NC KOH!!! but nvm lar. we go geog rm listen to talk crap abt english stuff(repeat almost everything she said last year). so slack hor. den shi hcl. the teacher suppose to be female de but dunno y bcum male de. lol. but he quite drama. a lot of action de. lol. den sae a lot of 'dao4 li3' abt singapore. me n deon sit at the back cant really hear much of wad he said. but wad the heck, hu cares? lol. anw, aft tat shi geog. the teacher jiang3 hua4 zi4 xiang1 mao2 dun4 de lor. sae dun wan to waste time but keep on wasting time - she keep on repeating tat she dun wan to waste time. anw, aft tat was sum lame break crap. i dun even no even noe wad its for onli waste time de. anw, miss ng(maths n form teacher)dunno hw to teach maths de lor. its as if we're the teacher. she do 2 ques take up the whole period. 1 of the ques she take like 30 mins den sae the ques lame. lol. me n deon at the back talk all the way cuz deon do the 1st ques in like 5 mins n his method sooo much easier to understand n the whole class all telling her is dis way, is tat way. haha. LOL.

den sch end le. wo3 men2 jiu qu4 wan2 soccer. but den start to rain. me n yh go shop n save there wait for the rain to stop. we juz hang there n talk. den goo hm liao.

k. gtg. bye.
*nothing is impossible. expect the unexpected.*

bboy BY

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Liverpool 3-0 Bolten

Hey, b4 i end the dae i juz wanted to add in dis clip of Liverpool's win over Bolten to showcase the success of the Kuyt and Pennant partenship in right wing. F.Y.I. dis clip is from a chinese espn and has some cheesy music, but all dis doent matter cuz Liverpool won in the end.

k. tats it. 3 superb goals from Crouch, Gerrard and, more deservingly, Kuyt.

k. gtg. bye. n Liverpool ROCKS FOREVER.
*nothing is impossible. expect the unexpected.*

bboy BY