come. read. tag. leave.

for FUN, unless you hate fun...

im an emo bboy. deal with it.

bboy BY
cost $1,509,000 on humansforsale.com
ex-Coralite, ex6/1, AHS, ex-1C, 2D, COS ex-CM, YPM: Timothy LG
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November 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007

style before power

Monday, November 19, 2007

So, i din post the post on thursday.
Pai seh.
Here goes...

Will miss HuiLu's stupidness and leng jokes and thank you for being the one Qin always insults so that everyone can laugh. xD Hees...
Will miss Sheena emo-ing with me.. xD Hahas.. Miss her crappyness. And thanks for being my friend. =]
Will miss Shelley les-ing with Tingen. Thanks for letting me laugh at her and Tingen pass the fries. XD lols
Will miss Delphine's crazy, siao laughing. Miss her trying to teach me Habbo and some Penguin game. xD Thanks for being a lamer. =P
Will miss Lihui's nice-ness. Miss dancing with her. Miss quarrelling with her. xD Miss smsing and msning with her. And thanks for being there and caring. =]]
Will miss Tingen forcing me to do drills and not let me watch Batman. xD Hees... Miss her forever wanting me to buy something for guides. Lol. Thanks for being crappy and lame and CUTE(ugly but adorable)!! xD Hahahas.

Will miss Deon buay song face. Miss his APness and KBness. Lol. And Thanks for being such a good dog.. xDD Hees... joking...
Will miss Yuan Zhao's hornyness. Miss his shortyness. And thanks for letting me laugh at u cuz u went bridging. xD Hees...
Will miss Javier's curly hair. Miss his tapai miss kicking. And thanks for being so black so we can all call u bangla. xD
Will miss Kang Lei and his MUSCULAR jokes. xD Hahas. Miss his crappyness during science. And thanks for turning out to be such a cool guy eh. =]
Will miss Matthew's crapshit. xD Miss his forever scolding JuneYeo attitude. Miss his forever ranting attitude. And thanks for letting me hit u soooo many times but i still owe u. =P
Will miss Wen Jie's laggyness and act cuteness. =P Hahas. Thanks to Wen Jie for always saying or doing something to make everyone pissed or laugh or smile. xD
Will miss Ming Chiang's cuteness and niceness. xD Miss 'PAMELA'-ing him. =P Hees... And thanks for being in my class for 2 crappy lame years. Hahas.
Will miss Qin Hui's horny and crappy and lame and stupid and random jokes. Miss him insulting(flirting) HuiLu. xD hahas. Thanks for giving everybody something to laugh about for 2years.
Will miss Kai Liang's ego/bhb-ness. Miss his richness. Miss his crappy crappy crappy jokes that make us laugh like idiots. Hahahhas. Thanks for being a funny bro eh. =]

Done for 2D.
Now thanks for bboys that make me more enthu bout bboyin eh.
Hong 10's halo freezes and airchair spin combos
Physicx's elbow spins and flags and speed freezes
Lilou's thread airchair combo and thread flares
Darkness's crazy flags and one hand balance and upperbody strength demanding freezes
The End's single elbow airtracks and airchair spins
Soulsoy's freezes combos and funny toprock
Ryoma's airchair hops and airchair combos
Kaku's headspin to 2000 combo and head realated powermoves
Baek's lotus handhops to airchair and freezes combo and gay one hand balancing
Crazy Guen's CRAZY one hand shit like armchair,flag etc.
Laser's insane headspins that last forever
Pop's insanely insane crickets and jackhammers and elbow headspins
Flex's stupidly impossible flexibility and balance
Zero-nine's freezes combos and elbow flares

Long time since i said this...

bboy BY

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Going to post my 'thanks' for this year and what im gonna miss from this year later after this post.
Cuz that post more important.
Managed to almost perfect a freeze which i thought up.
1pic, 1vid.

bboy BY

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Okok. Now, my real feelings bout 2D. During sharing, i got say some stuff but actually got more la. Just that i din really know how to say it la. Yepyep. So, now, i'll post out everything. =]

2D'o7. Really, really, really fun class. More fun than 1C'o6. Maybe cuz of people like Qin, ShenZhen etc. Those jokers la. And maybe also cuz the chers easier to bully. xD But really la.
More things happened this year. Its like even though almost all of us from different classes in sec1, at the start of the year already so noisy and crapping with each other la. Still remember start of the year almost everyday got conference on msn or call de. Lol. So, actually we were already man4 man4 bonding le la. But later when we know each other well enough to start conflicting la. Yepyep. Then got problems, people change etc.

Then, the clique problem. Is like there's 5 cliques not including those people who dont even have a clique like MG etc. Yepyep. The gals especially bad at the cliques la. Forever changing. Start of the year still got what Six Senses thing. Lol. Then like the cliques keep changing then start conflicts lorr. Maybe cuz they have different thinking bout the class and each other bahs. Then guys no conflict la. But actually guys can have like only 1 clique la. Seriously. But somehow still have 3 + clique-less people. Yeah.

Actually gals worse problem is the conflicts bahs. Always 'dont like' somebody de. Yepyep. But other than that nothing else le lorr. Cuz actually gals much more enthu than the guys la. Guys some may want to enthu along but cuz other guys 'influence' him not to go la. Guys only got 3 types. The duo3 pai2 type and the dio peer pressure type and the 'dun give a shit' type. Yepyep. Very easy to know who is what la. Duo3 pai2 de all damn pampered la, must get what they want de if not give buay song face. Dio peer pressure de all bootlicker de. 'Dun give a shit' de all useless. Yeah.

And hor. To me, the guys not gentleman enough la. Only care about themselves. I mean we're GUYS leh. We're suppose to be nice to gals la. Then everytime dun care bout them then make them pissed and sad etc. la. Nvr think before doing de. Selfish assholes. Hahas. Joking la.. But really larr. Got to change. And okok. i admit lorr. I WAS liddat la. Sorry lorr. =# Then hopefully they gals understand that SOME people jiu4 shi4 zhe4 yang4 lorr. Yepyep.

In the end, i'll really really miss. All the memories. Hahas. Cleaning comm, Show and Tell, Beijing, NDP etc. Hopefully we can all keep in contact bah then never forget each other. Yepyep. 2D rocks cuz the people in 2D are CRAPPY, FUNNY, SLACKY, LAME, COOL, NOISY, ALWAYS BULLYING THE CHERS, LIVELY, NOT SO SMART, HORNY, HUMJI, IRRESPOSIBLE, DIRTY, ALWAYS LAUGHING, ALWAYS INSULTING EACH OTHER, BLACK AND WHITE, JOKERS, FAT, SHORT, TALL, SKINNY, UN-COOPERATIVE, KINDA ENTHU, GOOD AT CAPTAIN'S BALL AND GUYS B-BALL AND SOCCER?, BO CHAP, BLACKLISTED. Okok. Thats 2D'o7!! Hahahas. xD

Now what i want to say to each of 2D-er.

Ang Hong:
Ok. Erm... Actually I dont really know you well at all. So, just jiayou lorr. =]

Hui Lu:
Hahas. My spastic laugh hor. xD Stay lame and crappy and shitty!! Hahas jkjk. xD And i think i should advice you not to be a lesbian and like Godwin. Yepyep. =P Lol. And try not to get pissed bcuz of Qin luh. He just flirting with you. xD Hahas. Guess will miss your stupidness. xD hahas. Have fun in triple science with Qin. =]]

Charmaine: Okok. I not vulgar le mah. Really la. xD Dont worry so much bout anything and everything bahs. Lol. Be happy! =] Okok. Jiayou in ur sec3 class bah. =]

Cui Fen:
Lols. I also dont know what to write for you. Hmmm.... Jiayou bah! =]

Jun Yao:
Dang! I also dont know what to write. xDD Jiayou lorr. xD

Hahas. I guess thx for letting me kope chinese etc. xD and for the specs. Yepyep. Jiayou bahs!! =] But bout the integrity in my studies, were u being sacarstic? Hahas.

Hey hey! Emo!! xD hahas. Remember when u come my house. Lolness la. Had much much fun in 2D with you. =] Remember when Deon also sit behind, then talk talk talk and laugh laugh laugh cuz Deon is horny! =]] Hahs. Anws, dont be so emo la. No good crying so much de. Hahas. Smile and be happy! xD Jiayous in sec3 and with *ahem*. xDD Hahas.

Hahas. Fun-ness eh? xD U and Tingen ar.. xD Crappy-ness luh! =] LES!! Anws, last 2 mnths of 2007 le. Forget bout the conflicts bah. Remember the stoopid drills in Bejing eh. xD Hahas. SO lame and crappy can. I wanted to watch Batman la. =P Hahas. And Jiayou in sec3!! Stay happy and les with Tingen!!! xDD

Hui Min:
Hahas Talk more luh. So quiet de. =] And if you remember, Deon said u are the chioest gal in 2D leh. xD Hahas. Okok. Jiayous bah! Stay happy and less quiet!!! =PP

HAHAHAHA. You ar... Forever laughing de. xD Hahas. StIll remember start of the year we on msn talk about lame com games. I even ask u to play Halo. HAhaha. and HABBO!!!! LOLness. Lame Luh. And i stil dun get it luh. xP and know what, you still havent tell me what the ---s are la. Tsk tsk. xD hees. Okok. xD Hahas. Jiayous bah!! Have fUn in triple science. And stay crappy, crazy, happy and siao!! =PP Hahaha.

Heys. Time really flies eh. Still remember start of year? You make me guess hu u on msn la. xD Then start quarrelling. Hahas. Then the WDV!! FINE!! WDV!! FINE!! Hahahahas. So lame la. =]] Kinda had fun dancing with you for show and tell. xD and, no prob bout the caring part. xD i really can be nice in both la. =P you should know what i mean bahs. Hahahas. Jiayou in IP bahs!! So shiok hor. Dunnid take Os. Hees. Must come back visit bahs! Thx for being a close fren this year. =]]

Hahas. Treasurer too eh. xD classmates for 2 years, but still dun really know u. Lol. =] Anws, thx for helping me with the class fund too. xD Jiayous for nxt year bahs!!

the damn COOL Tingen:
Hahahas. So many names for me eh. xD lameness!! LOSER! is not L, is 7! xDD Hahas. Still remember the STOOPID TREASURER bahs.. xDD Haha. Crapness... =] and i hated u for quite some time eh. Lol. Pai seh lorr. =]] Remember Beijing bahs. Stupid dares.. =P And u and MC!! xDD Hahahas. So crap!! And the drills! Hahahahas. So much lame and crappy stuff la. =] Anws, Jiayous bahs in triple science even though u dwan go bah!! xD Stay crappy, siao and les with shelley! =]

Zhu Yun:
da4 jie3!! xD Hahas. Crapness. Thx for the chinese u lent me. =] got the much needed help with my zuo4 wen2. And guess got to thank you to let me get into special eh? xD Haahahahas. Jiayous bahss!!

You so lame!! Talk to yourself!! =PP

DD!! Better be a good doggy hor. If not i call SPCA come sterilise you hor. =]]] Hahas. Jkjk. Frens for 2 years le eh. Stupid stuff eh. Always bo dai bo ji quarrel like idiots la. Hahahas. Jiayou nxt year bahs!! =] miss you PCK btw. xD

Yuan Zhao:
Shortie!!! kuai4 gao1 zhang3 da4 bahs.. And dont be so horny luh. Its not cool la. =]] Have fun in 7 subject bahs. xDD Hahahahahas. Okok. Jiaoyous luh. Dun fail Os hor. =P

Lol. Stop les-ing with HuiLu larr. L8r Qin go find u. xD dunno wad to say. Dots... And you screwed up my ELit.

Jey-Pop!! Hahas. BLACKIE!! Jiayou with YiZhen eh. And in wdv combi you going to! xD no more Jave in my class le hor. You go express i go special. Sad sad. Have fun in sec3!! Stay frens forever eh. =]

I interrupt to say that the rest will be very short cuz im lazy. xD sorry for the inconvience caused.

Kia Meng:
B-Ball Zai kia!! xD Hahas. Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Kang Lei:
PRO KIA!! Dun shit so much luh!! xDD Hahass.. Remember MUSCULAR!!! Hees. =P Stay funny eh. Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Kai Hong:
B******!!! xDD Hahahas. Jkjk. Dont flirt so much eh. Just ask MingLi luh!!! Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Ho Ming:
Pants tooo high le bahss!! xD Hahas. Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Chun Kit:
Eh!! DUn so sissy can a not?? xDD HEssss... Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

IP boy!! Gonna miss you sia. HAhahas. Remember the homeec? Hees. Had fun with you!! =]]] Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Wen Jie:
Lagger!!! Stop lagging luh!! xDD Act cute kia. Hees.. Wen Jie cool!! eh... get 1st! Hahas =]] Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Shen Zhen:
Joker!! FAt ASS!! xDD Hees. Stay funny and crappy and FAT!! xD Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Dont so LONER luh!!! Only care bout soccer. xD Heess.. Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

PAMELA!!! xDD heees. Jkjk. =]] Get out of subject luh! xD Hahahas. Stay nice boy! Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

BHB EGO KIA!! xD lamer!! Joker!! stay funny and crappy!! have fun with huilu eh.. =P Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Bangla!! Lucky boy nvr go 7 subject eh! xD hees.. Stay bo chap and Pai bahss!! xD Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

LAME JOKER!! Gonna miss you lame lame lame jokess! xDD Hees... Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Jia Hong:
TALLIE!!! SO tall!! go shrink luh!! xD Heess.. You and charmaine arr... =P Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

HEes. same class fer 2 years le eh.! =] Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

REmember the channel u game forever hor!!! xDDD Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Wu yu:
Aiyo.. Dun so gay luh!!! xD Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Kai Liang:
Malaysia rich asshole!! xD Go see sakae or u got more money luh!! xD Heeesss... guess u chiong studies too late le bahs... =[ Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Jia Sheng:
HORNY B******!!! Thx for the china thing! xDD =P Stay horny and crappy and pro! Have fun and jiayou nxt year bahs!!! xDD

Finally finish sia!
Anws, actually wanted to do the wad survey Sheila wanted me to do but brain too tired le.
PEACE YO!! to 2D'o7.
Never gonna foget y'all !!!
Beijing is the memory to me btw.

bboy BY

I wanted to put the photos up but blogger too slow le.
If want then ask me send u the folder.
2D chalet juz over.
1st day was juz crappy la.
Got so dirty la.
But Deon was worse la.
And MY night games dio cancelled by ME!!
Then, want go LAN but in the end nvr cuz of money problem.
Pai seh to Deon, Yuan Zhao and MC.
Then lame stuff.
Shouted like idiots until sore throat bcuz of some channel U game thing.
Slept at 3.30.
2nd day.
Woke up at 5.30.
Slack arnd then shit-ed.
Go macs eat breakfast.
Shit agn.
Dots la...
Go back chalet wet cuz of rain.
Play arcade.
Play lame game with dripping rain.
Girls dun wan us to see them swimming so go back into chalet.
Blah Blah Blah.
Bridging people come back.
Bridging people go LAN.
Eat lunch, cycle, go back dunno do what.
Then, BBQ.
Take pics with a few people.
Stupid luh.
Nobody listen.
Jave play guit, nobody enthu.
Deon, MC, Qin try entertain, nobody laugh.
Gals pissed, sad etc.
I dunno whether to go hm a not.
Go until shuttle bus there, my heart damn pain la.
Like make wrong choice to go hm.
So, pain pain lorr.
Then, Tingen and Jave talk me out of it.
Wait with Tingen for her bus.
Go home.
Felt damn can2 kui4 cuz din help clean up the BBQ mess.
Damn bad mood that nite.

Thats all lorr.
Now post pics.
tingen, me
del, me.
sheena, me.
Pink Tees informal.
Pink Tees formal.
Me, Wenjie.
me, mc.
me, matt.
me, lihui.
me, kanglei.
lihui, me, matt.
jave, me.
jave, me.
Thats all for chalet le bahs.
Will post real feelings bout 2D in nxt post.

bboy BY

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Going NewZealand soon le.
Details for my flight.

-7.50pm, 26oct (so 5.50 check-in)
-quantas 6

-10.30pm, 2nov
-quantas 31

Can come send me off or 'welcome' me back if u want.

PEACE til 2nov

bboy BY

Saturday, October 20, 2007

bboy BY

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I'll start from Saturday, when i went for 'band'.
Went to church then realise that no band.
Diao can.
So, walked to parkway then on the way met vanessa hu tot got band oso.
In the end, we went to KFC.
And only i ate.
Dots la...

Anyways, went back church wait for EstherPoh.
Then go Treats meet WayneHeng, AndreaLim, DanielYim.
Laugh laugh laugh.

Then went back to church hang in a classroom and wait for Bible Study to start.
Talk talk talk.
Went to MOS Burger with AaronLim, EstherPoh, JoycePoon.
Aaron treat us all milk tea.
Nice guy.

Went back to church for Bible Study at arnd 3 liddat.
Then Bible Study.
EstherPoh ar.
So lame..

5.30 went for YPM.
Then ar, EstherPoh arr, when want to give offering that time arrr, realise her wallet not with her.
Then we all check our bags etc.
All dont have.
Cell that time go see the classroom have a not.
Dun have.
EstherPoh panic.
xD lols.
Anyways, in the end din find.

So, AaronLim lend her his wallet 1st so that she can at least put her money somewhere.
Then we go back church.
Damn crappy sia.
Go inside the classroom then off lights.

Got stars in the classroom can.
Then glow-in-the-dark de la.
Had a lame time.

9.00 we go bus stop wait for bus.
Wait wait wait.
Then bus come, we go in bus.
Then somehow, AaronLim's wallet lend up with JoycePoon.
Then crappily, JoycePoon went home with Aaron de wallet.
Sad sad.

Anyways, me, AaronLim, ShawnGoh take taxi with EstherPoh even thought we dun nid.
But cuz her house there damn dark so take with her lorr.
After that go home le lorr.
The day is more fun than it seems.


Woke up at like 7.10am to go YaKun meet WayenHeng, JeremyLeong, AndreaLim, ShawnGoh,YeeNing, Joyce/Joseph Poon, AaronLim for breakfast.
Then from i wake up until like 7.50, i keep calling EstherPoh for her to wake up.
Wah seh.
She slp until never pick up until tyco on the 50th call.
Lols la.
Anyways, eat le went to church.
No space in chapel sia.
Dots dots...
CM din have lesson cuz teach the Thanksgiving dance mah.

Guess what, i left this post useless for like 3 days la.

Sunday: went Carl's Jr eat dinner and dao-ed Esther.xD
Monday: went to The Cathay watch Balls of Fury.
Tuesday: Go meet EstherPoh and AaronLim.
Wednesday: Go meet EstherPoh and AaronLim again. xD
Thursday: Eat SakaeSushi with ex-church frens.
Friday: Recci at AlohaLoyang. Go Bible Study.
Today: Go ECP, YPM. Go hm.

bboy BY

Friday, October 12, 2007

Since now is just the start of the day, i'll post about yesterday.
Sch sucked.
After sch went to watch movie with AaronLim, his stead, EstherPoh, JoelChoo, GavinWee, WayneHeng, ShawnGoh, Andrea, ZhangWei at Orchard Cineleisure.
Then bcuz of a few things then got some complicated problems btwn ----- and ----.
And im sort of in the center la.

Anws, met EstherPoh, JoelChoo and GavinWee at Tanah Merah.
Then wait for JoycePoon cuz tot she also going.
But after waiting like 1/2hr, she say she not going le.
Wtc (what the crap)
So, we go somerset.
Then on the way to Cineleisure zhun4 zhun4 met dao4 the rest.
Then go in buy popcorn and tix.
Then suay suay, i got to buy with EstherPoh.
Cuz AaronLim buy with his stead le, WayneHeng buy with ShawnGoh, Andrea buy with ZhangWei, GavinWee buy with JoelChoo.
So, who's left?
Dots la...

We watched Balls of Fury btw.
And its funny la.
The critics all suck la.
Then bcuz ZhangWei's slippers broke so got to go buy another one.
Then we have to wait lorr.
Take bus back to Parkway there cuz they going Bible Study mahs.
Damn groggy la.
Dont know why sia.
I think i stand better sia.

Ate at MosBurger.
Expensive sia.
But i damn damn shiok can.
I see hamburger only $1.70 so i buy it and ice milk tea.
Then WayneHeng buy cheeseburger.
Then cuz i order with EstherPoh, so my order came with hers la.
But instead of hanburger come cheeseburger then dont know whether they do wrongly or its actually WayneHeng's de.
But cuz it came with EstherPoh de so i justs eat lorr.
In the end is they give wrongly.
So i zhuan4 like siao lorr.
Cuz cheeseburger is $3.70 liddat so i earn like $2 leh.
Then after that the rest go Bible Study then left me and EstherPoh.
Then hor, we damn suay la.
The bus31 JUST about to reach our bus stop then it breakdown.
In the end we wait for the bus for 5mins when its only like 20m away from us la.
Then the bus no aircon.
Everytime i with EstherPoh, always suay de.
1st time is with EstherPoh for 8hrs then dio fever.
Then now a bit only got bus breakdown la.
Wts (what the shit)

Then wait with her for her bus for like 8mins.
Go home.
Use com etc.
EstherPoh call me at 10.30 for like 44mins30sec.
Then by elbow dio hit again.
But have to tahan lorr.
Then while talking to EstherPoh on fone i have to bboy with only one hand which is difficult la.

Anyways, dunno l8r how leh.
Dont know whether got band leh.
Then Jem oso ask me go watch movie.
Sian sian.
How how how?

Go to go le.

bboy BY